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SV海大众汽车大众品牌2014 年经销商试乘试驾车管理支持政策Y2014 Policy of SVW VW Demo Car ManagementSVSVChina上海大众汽车大众品牌试乘试驾车管理支持政策Policy of SVW VW Demo Car Management目的 Purpose:为更好的推进经销商落实和贯彻上海大众试乘试驾管理标准,使潜在用户得以充分 享受到试乘试驾服务与体验,从而提升客户满意度和成交转化率。To encourage dealers to implement and execute the criterion of Demo car Management well, bring excellent test drive service and experience to potential customers to improve customer satisfaction and test-to-buy rate.一、 试乘试驾车配置与支持原则 Principle of demo car configuration and support:1.对象: 上 海 大 众 大 众 品 牌 全 体 特 许 经 销 商 、 授 权 直 管 直 营 店 / 城 市 展 厅 、 授 权直营店 / 城 市 展 厅 均有义务 按 标 准 配 置 试 乘 试 驾 车 辆 为 客 户 提 供 满 意 的 试 乘 试 驾 服 务 , 提 高 客户满意度。Object: All 4S, DMRRS/DCS, RRS/DCS and city-show room dealers of SVW VW brand have the duty to equip demo car to provide customers with excellent test drive service to improve customer satisfaction.2.规则:试乘试驾车使用期限原则上是一年,如有新车型上市,则按上市时间针对配置时 间延迟或提前配置试乘试驾车辆。在新车配置完成之前原试乘试驾车不得退出。General rules: Demo car usually will be used for one year. If new model launch, SVW will adjust the equipment time. The original demo car could quit only after the new car registers.3.配置:试乘试驾车具体的配置车型与数量以总部当期发布的经销商试乘试驾配置通知为 准。新入网经销商首批试乘试驾车辆的配置以具体通知为准。Configuration: The equipped demo car model and number will be noticed bySVW. The first batch demo car of new comer will be noticed by SVW.4.折扣支持:上海大众针对试乘试驾车依据综合检查结果全年给予经销商开票价 40%至-4%的折扣政策,要求试乘试驾车必须上牌后按上海大众试乘试驾标准使用。参与返点计算 的车型是基于每个季度末登记在册的试乘试驾车辆。Discount support: Dealers will enjoy 40%~-4% discount of demo car in relate to different performance and use the demo car standardly. Discount will be given to all demo car registered in Demo car management system in the end of each quarter.5.绩效考核:根据每季度销售用户满意度 CSS,经销商神秘客户 MS 和现场检查 OQC 中 试乘试驾模块计算综合档次,按照不同的得分档次给以不同的折扣补贴,随公司季度返利 一起发放(折扣见下表):Performance assessment: SVW will calculate the discount level of score of CSS, MS and OQC each quarter. The concrete method as follows:考评模块Module得分比例 X Ratio得分区间LevelQ1discountQ2discountQ3discountQ4discount全部TotalCChina季度


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