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英文故事《西游记》:闹蟠桃会 Chaos at the Feast of Peaches   One day, the Jade Emperor invited Monkey Sun, the GREat Sage Equalling Heaven, to Heaven, and asked him to administer the Peach Orchard. The Great Sage was overjoyed because anyone who ate the ripened peaches became eternal, living as long as Heaven and Earth. Everyday he picked the best peaches to enjoy, and after he had his fill, he shrunk himself to only two inches long and slept on the branch of a tree. One day the Queen Mother arranged a banquet of peaches by the Jade Pool. When the fairies sent by her were picking peaches in the Peach Orchard, the Great Sage awoke and was annoyed to discover he was not invited to the feast. He spoke a magic spell which immobilized fairies, then he went straight to the Jade Pool where he saw rare fruits and fine delicacies and smelt the fragrance of jade liquor. He performed a spell by bulling several hairs from his body and chewing them up, the hairs turned into sleep-inducing insects which then bit all the busy serants, causing them to fall asleep. Then the Great Sage ate rare delicacies and drank precious wines until he was completely full. He put the leftovers in a big bag for the small monkeys on the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit. After this, he went to the place where Lord Lao Zi kept the elixir. The Great Sage ate up all the golden pills of elixir in the precious gourd, then he rushed out of the Gate of Heaven and went straight down to the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit. 闹蟠桃会   玉皇大帝邀造反的孙猴子上天,给了他一个“齐天大圣”的官衔,指派看管桃园。孙大圣早就听说吃了这里的仙桃,不但能得道成仙,而且能与天地同寿,便欣然前去。他每天专拣最好的桃子吃,饱餐后,就变成二寸长的小人,躺在树梢上睡觉。一天,王母娘娘宴请四方众仙,在瑶池摆蟠桃盛会,派仙女去采摘仙桃时,惊动了正在睡觉的大圣,仙女们急忙讲明情况。当大圣得知这次宴会没有请他时,很是生气,用定身法定住仙女,直奔瑶池。来到瑶池后,只见这里奇果佳肴,无比鲜美;琼浆玉液,香气扑鼻。大圣拔下两根毫毛一吹,变作许多瞌睡虫,忙碌的仙女立即睡着了。大圣放开肚量,痛吃狂饮,待酒足饭饱后,把剩下的东西,满满装了一大袋,准备带回花果山给小猴们吃。之后,又来到太上老君炼丹的地方,把葫芦内金丹吃了个精光,这才混出天门,回花果山去了。 英文故事《西游记》:三借芭蕉扇 (文本) Monkey Makes Three Attempts to Borrow the Plantain Fan   the Tang Priest and his three disciples, Monkey (Wukong), Pig and Friar Sand, we


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