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每日一句 Why dont you ask for a raise? 你为何不要求加薪? 讲解: ask for表示“要求”。例:Did you ask for pineapple on the pizza?你要求在披萨上加凤梨了吗?Hes as likely to fight us as the Trojans. 他和特洛伊人一样想和我们作战。 讲解: be likely to ,可能会做某事。例:He is likely to go to college for his further education.他可能会进入高校继续深造。Last I heard, hes heading towards here. 最新的消息是,他正在来这的路上。 讲解: Head towards,前往某地,向某地进发。例:Always head towards the north.一路向北。I would have followed you, my brother. 我原本应该追随你的,我的兄弟。 讲解: Would have done,虚拟语气用法,表示原本应该,原本会的意思。例:I would have bought two pens if I knew you wanted one too.早知道你也要笔,我就会买两只了。It feels a little confined here. 这里感觉憋得慌。 讲解: Confined 指在空间上受限制,有压迫感。例:It is hard to work efficiently in such a confined place.在这么小的空间里工作很难有高效率。You two seemed to hit it off. 你们看上去很投缘。 讲解: Hit it off with somebody,和某人相处融洽,相当于get on well with.例:Tom hits it off with Jack.汤姆和杰克关系很好。I can give you advice, Im great at advice. 我可以给你建议。我很擅长给建议。 讲解: Great at sth.是从good at sth.转化来的,形容非常擅长做某事。例:My mother is great at cooking Italian food.我妈妈的意大利菜做得太好了。Shes exhausted from the days work. 她工作了一天,累坏了。 讲解: 除了exhausted外另外两种表示累的说法。例1:He is dog-tired after coming back from the hiking.远足回来后他累极了。例2:He is worn out after a whole days working.工作了一天,他筋疲力尽。Shes exhausted from the days work. 她工作了一天,累坏了。 讲解: 除了exhausted外另外两种表示累的说法。例1:He is dog-tired after coming back from the hiking.远足回来后他累极了。例2:He is worn out after a whole days working.工作了一天,他筋疲力尽。I got the feeling I screwed up. 我感觉刚才我好像搞砸了。 讲解: Screwed up,搞砸的意思。例:I think I screw up the test yesterday.我想昨天的考试我搞砸了。I got the feeling I screwed up. 我感觉刚才我好像搞砸了。 讲解: Screwed up,搞砸的意思。例:I think I screw up the test yesterday.我想昨天的考试我搞砸了。Darling,am I supposed to think you are serious? 亲爱的,你是认真的吗? 讲解: be supposed to do sth.应该去做某事。例:Are you supposed to be in Australia now?你现在不是应该在澳大利亚吗?Promise me now,and never let go of that promise. 答应我,千万别忘了。 讲解: Let go of sth./sb.以及let sth./sb.go意思是放手,松手,放开。在上句中引申为放弃。例:Dont let go of your hands!别放开手。Every once in a while,I see fear in you


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