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不同鲜食葡萄品种花粉生活力测定及贮藏特性研究 作者 刘君丽 指导教师 李桂荣 (河南科技学院园艺园林学院,河南 新乡 453003) 摘要:[目的]花粉生活力的高低直接影响葡萄杂交育种效率的高低或成败。快速准确测定不同鲜食葡萄品种的花粉生活力,可为正确选择杂交组合和授粉时间等提供参考依据,也是保证杂交育种顺利进行的关键。[方法]以新鲜葡萄花粉为试材,用离体培养法测定花粉生活力,并探讨不同贮藏条件对鲜食葡萄花粉萌发的影响。[结果]通过镜检发现基拉尔花粉败育;不同品种的花粉生活力存在差异,自然阴干条件下供试品种花粉的生活力高低顺序为:郑州早红芳香拉查基瑞比尔泽玉京秀,其花粉生活力分别为50.41%、46.22%、43.04%、40.35%和24.13%,京秀与其它4个品种差异极显著。在不同的贮藏条件下,花粉生活力随着贮藏时间的延长而下降,不同的贮藏条件对其有很大的影响,适当的低温可有效延长花粉贮藏时间。其中-40℃萌发率最高,为最佳贮藏方法; 在贮藏过程中,泽玉和京秀存在“短期被迫休眠现象”。 关键字:鲜食葡萄,花粉,生活力,贮藏 Storage life and Pollen Viability Test of Different table grape Cultivars Author Liu Jun-li Supervisor Li Gui-rong (School of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Henan Institute of Science and Technology, Xinxiang Henan 453003) Abstract:[0bjeetive] The efficiency and the success or failure of hybridization for grape were influenced by pollen’s germination ability.Hence,the methods for measure grape pollen’s germination ability which is quickly and accurate could provide references for cross combination and pollination time.also it is the key for success of bridization.[Method] With the fresh pollens of grape as the tested materials,determination of pollen viability by testing method of pollens cultured in vitro,and the effects of different storage condition on the pollen germination of table- grape were also discussed.[Result] It was found that kielar pollen abortion assayed under microscope.the are different .Natural drying conditions tested viability of pollen of the order from high to low is:zhengzhouzaohong芳香拉查基riberzeyujingxiu,The pollen viability were 50.41%,46.22%,43.04%,40.35% and24.13%.jingxiu and the other 4varieties showed significant difference.Under different storage conditions,vitality of pollen were gradually descend as last of store time, different storage conditions have a impact on its,the suitable low temperature effective extension the store time of pollen. The best methods to keep vitality of pollen at -40℃,the germination of pollen is higher;during pro


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