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Unit 1 New Year Language focus: Using imperatives to give simple instructions e.g. Show me your present. Language skills: Listening Locate specific information in response to simple instructions Speaking Use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners Materials: Student’s book 1B page 2 Cassette 1B and a cassette player A beautifully wrapped present Picture of a new pair of shoes Picture cut our from newspapers or magazines that are related to the New Year A large sheet of card which has the outline of a lantern on it Pre-task preparation Tell the class that the New Year is near. Ask whether their parents are going to buy them new clothes or shoes and whether they will receive presents from their relatives. Point to your own shoes and say ‘My shoes are old. I need new shoes for the New Year’. Still pointing, say ‘shoes’. Point to a student’s shoes and repeat ‘shoes’. Encourage the class to point to their own shoes and say ‘shoes’. Show a beautifully wrapped present and ask what it is, to elicit ‘Present. It is a present.’ Say the word ‘present’ slowly and encourage the students to follow. Open the present and take out a picture of a new pair of shoes which you had put in earlier. Tell the students that your present for the New Year is a pair of new shoed. Say ‘new shoes’ slowly and ask the students to repeat. While-task procedure Play the cassette tape. Let the students listen to the instructions ‘Show me your present’ and ‘Try your new shoes’. Open the student’s book to page 2 and read the commands for the class to follow, or play the cassette tape. Ask the students to act out the scene. Give commands and ask individual students to repeat and act them. Post-task activity Bring in pictures cut out from newspapers or magazines that are to do with the New Year. Give students a large sheet of card on which you have drawn the outline of a lantern. Invite individual students to glue the pictures inside the ‘lantern’. Let’s act Pre-task preparation


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