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* 湛江师范学院附属中学 余观秀 阅读中的词汇教学 Watch and enjoy Where is it? Do you like it? Malaysia [m?'le???] [m?'le?z??] Malaysian Penang Georgetown Weld Quay Words 鸟 自行车 建筑物 雨伞 湿的 饥饿的 bird [b?: d] bicycle ['ba?s?k?l ] building (n.) umbrella (n.) wet (adj.) hungry (adj.) (n.) (n.) ['b?ld??] [?m'brel?] [wet] [' h??ɡri] Work with your partner and find out the new words and expressions you don’t understand. decide (v.) trader ( n.) wonder (v.) difference ( n.) below (prep.) enough (adj.) &(adv.) 1. someone who sells and buys things 2. want to know 3. come to a decision about sth. 4. don’t need any more at a lower place not the same Match the words with English meanings. 决定 商人 尝试 想知道 饥饿的 差别 顶部 等待 雨伞 足够的 在…下面 比较湿的 自行车 建筑物 因为 Complete the verbal phrases: ________ what his name is ________ to have a trip ________ making a kite ________ for a long time ________ up to the top wonder decide try wait walk try, decide, wonder, wait, walk /walk 1. Lily __________ go to Hong Kong for vacation. 2. Jane felt a day _________________when she went Penang Hill. decides to made a difference 选词,并用词的正确形式填空。 make a difference, decide, feel like, because (of), 3. He’s not going to buy that car _______ it’s too expensive. 4. The train was late _________ the heavy frog (雾). 5. I _________ going to the movies yesterday, but I didn’t go at last. felt like because because of Jane arrived in Penang with her family. They _________________________go to the beach near the hotel. Jane and her sister tried ____________. She _________ she was a bird. In Weld Quay, she saw the houses of Chinese traders. What a _________ a day makes! They wanted to walk up to the ______ of Penang Hill. But it rained, so they took the train. They didn’t have __________ so they got ______ when they got to the top. decided to/ made a decision to paragliding felt like difference top an umbrella wet didn’t enjoy herself in Diary 1 Diary 2 She __________________in Georgetown.


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