[下册]Unit Four.ppt

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[下册]Unit Four

Part Summary [1] Setting: Present the environment in which the character works. Part Summary [2] The character: James Lovelock is an independent researcher and inventor. He proposed a theory that is changing the way scientists think about life on our planet. Part Summary [3~8] Narration: Tell us how Lovelock proposed his theory-the Gaia Hypothesis. Part Summary [9~13] Exposition: Explain and expound systematically the theory of Gaia Hypothesis. Part Summary [14]-[16] The reactions and responses from different fields to Gaia Hypothesis. Part Summary [17] One critique of Gaia Hypothesis put forward by a British biologist. Part Summary [18~19] A bold futuristic scheme proposed by Lovelock in answering to the critique. Text Summary James Lovelock, a 72 years old English scientist, is an anachronism. In an age when almost all scientists are specialists working in large organizations, Lovelock is an independent researcher and inventor, freely pursuing his curiosity across many fields. The Gaia Hypothesis which was first proposed by Lovelock in 1969 has become the center of a scientific debate. It argues that living things are not passive victims of their environment but can alter the environment. In answering to the critic of Gaia Hypothesis, Lovelock and one of his collaborators recently have proposed a bold futuristic scheme. Whether the scheme could be put into practice--Lets wait and see. 全文翻译 发现大自然的人 詹姆斯 ·洛夫洛克大胆新颖的理论 有可能永远改变我们看待我们这个行星上生物的方式 洛厄尔 ·庞特 全文翻译 [1] 坐落于英国西南部起伏不断的绿色小山中的这所泥草小屋看上去自从莎士比亚那个年代以来就没有发生过任何变化。四周的草地上有孔雀大摇大摆地走来走去。不过,毗邻的新大楼内却有一个装满计算机、色谱仪、化学和电子设备的实验室。 全文翻译 [2] 房子的主人叫詹姆斯 ·洛夫洛克,是一位与时代不相符合的人。如今几乎所有的科学家都是某一方面的专家,在大机构里工作,可就是在这样年代里,现年 72岁的洛夫洛克却是一位独立的学术研究者和发明家,在众多领域内自由驰骋,追逐自己感兴趣的目标。享有 40多项发明专利的他俨如一位现代的本 ·富兰克林,今天研究墨西哥湾流,而明天又去放风筝以便捕获雷电的奥秘。并且从他那小小的实验室内洛夫洛克提出了一种正在改变科学家们看待我们这个行星上生物的方式的理论。 全文翻译 [3] 事情是从 30多年前开始的,当时洛夫洛克设计了电子俘获检测器。仍在广泛应用的这种电子鼻子能够嗅出土壤、水或者空气中仅占每兆分之几的化学物质。美国国家航空航天局知晓洛夫洛克的本事,于是便于 1961年请他帮助设计探察火星上是否有生命存在的方法。 全文翻译 [4] 洛夫洛克利用国家航空航天局的红外线望远镜所提供的分析资料研


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