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1.Kangkang is a school boy. He got a good gift on his____birthday. A. fourteenth B.fortieth C.the fortieth D.the fourteenth 2.Tom will sell____stamps to help the poor children in the west of China. A.thousand of B.two thousand of C.two thousand D. two thousands of 3. When is your mothers birthday , Tina? Its on July the ______. A.twenty B.ninth C.five D. the fifth A B C D 4.Have you seen the CCTV news on TV? Yes,____children had a good festival on the ____Childrens Day. A.millions of ;sixty B.ten millions; sixtieth C.millions of ;sixtiethD.ten million;the sixty 5. More than two___years ago, people knew little about the universe. A.thousands B.thousand C.thousand of D.thousands of 6.There are ___months in a year. October is the ____month. A.twelve;ten B.twelfth;tenth C.twelve;tenth D.twelfth;ten 7.Look at the numbers 2,5,11,23, 47 and 95. What will be the next number? A.191 B.127 C.158 D.276 8.Have you got everything ready for the party? No, we need_____. A. another two glasses B.other two glasses C.two other glasses D.two another glasses 9.It took me ____to find out the answer to the question. A. one and half hours B.one and a half hours C.one and a half hour D.one and half hour 10.Which is the biggest number of teh four? A. two-thirds B.a half C.a quarter D.one third 11.Lucy is very excited because today is her ____birthday. A.five B.fiveth C.the fifthD.fifth 12.Now,everybody,please turn to Page____ and look at the ___picture. A.Fifth;five B.Five;fifth C.Fifth;fifth D.Five;five 13.He wrote many books in his ___. A.thirty B. thirtieth C. thirties D. thirtieths 14.Ive tried twice,but Ill try _____time. A.the third B.a third C. third D. three Unit 1 Dream homes Grammar Cardinal numbers and Ordinal numbers 0 zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Cardinal numbers(基数词) eleven twelve 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 nineteen thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen e


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