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At dawn 300 tanks prepared to break through the enemys lines. 在黎明时分300辆坦克准备冲击敌人的封锁线。 I tried to break down her opposition to our plan. 我试图使她反对我们计划的意见不起作用。 His health broke down as a result of smoking. 因为吸烟他的健康垮掉了。 Chemicals in our body break down our food into useful substances. 我们身体中的化学物质把食物分解成有用的物质。 【图解助记】 【比较网站】  break down/break up (1)break down 指计划、和谈等的失败;而break up 指会议、聚会等的结束,也可以指“分开,分散,解散”等。 (2)break down指身体等的垮掉,而break up为及物动词短语,意思是“使垮掉”。 This will break him up.这将使他的身体垮掉。 (3)break down既可以指物理分解,也可以指化学分解;而break up 只指物理分解。 Water can be broken down into hydrogen and oxygen. 水可以分解为氢和氧。 【单项填空】 ①Its time for us to ________ the party and set off for home. A.break down B.break up C.end up D.close up 解析 句意:我们该结束聚会出发回家了。break down坏了,垮掉,分解;break up结束,解散;end up最终成为,最后处于;close up关闭。 答案 B ②At first he refused to admit he had stolen but when he was shown the videotape,he________and admitted everything. A.broke up B.broke away C.broke down D.broke in 解析 考查短语辨析。break up解散,打碎;break away from脱离,挣脱;break down坏了,垮掉,垮下来,分解;break in闯入。 答案 C 2.give off发出(香味、声音等);放出(液体、气体、光、热等) But plastics and rubber never rot.If they are burned,they give off poisonous gases. 但塑料和橡胶永不腐烂。如果它们燃烧,则会释放出有毒的气体。 These gas lasers give off a continuous beam. 这些气体激光器发出连续不断的光束。 This fire doesnt seem to be giving off much heat. 这炉火好像不大热。 【归纳拓展】 give in交上,呈上;投降,屈服,认输 give away 泄漏;赠送;分发 give up放弃;戒掉 give back 归还 give way to 给……让路;对……让步 give out 分发;发出(光、声音等);公布;耗尽,用完;停止起作用 They stood there,giving out the leaflets to the passers-by. 他们站在那里向路人分发传单。 We had hardly started from home when the engine gave out. 我们刚刚离开家,发动机就失灵了。 They argued back and forth until finally Buzz gave in. 他们反复争论直到最后布兹让步为止。 “Please,give in your essays now.”said the teacher. 老师说:“现在请你们把作文交上来。” He gave away immense amounts of money to charity. 他向慈善机构捐献了大量的资金。 After a month their food supplies gave out. 一个月以后他们的食物贮备消耗殆尽。 【温馨提示】 (1)give out表示“用完,耗尽或筋疲力尽”时,为不及物动词短语,不可用于被动语态,类似的短语还有run out。 (2)use up也表示“用完,耗尽”,为及物动词短语,有被动语态。类似的短语还有ru


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