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PAGE PAGE 1 中考英语书面表达背诵范文 1. 根据提示写一篇词数在50左右的小短文。 1.昨天下午我去上学。2途中遇见一位面容焦虑的女士。3.她询问去最近的工商银行(Industrial and Commercial Bank.) 4.我告诉她沿路往前走,第三个路口左拐在福州二十五中学隔壁就能看见了。5.她非常感谢我.我也为能帮助她而高兴。 Yesterday afternoon,on my way to school,I met a woman.She looked worried.She asked me how to get to the nearest Industrial and Commercial Bank. I told her,“Walk along this road and turn left at the third turning.It is next to No.25 Middle School. You can’t miss it.” She thanked me very much and I was happy to help her. 2. 根据提示写一篇日记,词数不少于50词。 日记中必须包含以下单词和短语。 a quick breakfast,climb the Drum Mountain(鼓山),take sb…to do, picnic,get back home, enjoy oneself Sunday March 23rd,2007 Sunny Sunday March 23rd,2014???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Sunny Today I got up very early.After a quick breakfast I went to climb the Drum Mountain with my classmates.It took me forty minutes to get to the top of the mountain.We found it great and felt very excited . There we had a picnic and played cards and danced.We enjoyed ourselves.At eleven o’clock we got back home.And after the trip , I felt a little tired , but happy . 3. 根据所提示的内容写一篇日记。(字数80左右,要求语法正确,语气通顺。) 1. 时间:2006年10月1日?????????????? 2. 和同学们去西湖公园游玩。 3.吃完冰激凌后随手把纸扔在地上。????? 4.一个女孩把纸捡起扔进垃圾箱。 5.我们感到惭愧,决定在公园里帮助捡垃圾,为环保尽自己的一份力量。 October l, 2006?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Sunny Today is National Day and it is sunny. My classmates and I decided to go to the West 4. 根据所给的提示词语,写一篇幅80个左右单词的日记。 要求格式基本正确、意思连贯、符合逻辑、可作适当发挥、具有可读性。 今天是六月一日,星期六。天气晴朗。你和你的同学去福州动物园。有很多动物,但是你觉得海豚最有趣,它会表演很多动作。当你看到有人向动物扔食物,你向前阻止。 Sunday June 1st It was a fine day today and the sun was bright. I visited Fuzhou Zoo with my classmates. There were many different kinds of animas there. They were very lovely. But I think the most interesting animal was the dolphin. They can swim fast and jumped very high. They could play with a ba


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