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初中英语教学案例设计 Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music? (八年级下册,Unit 7,period 1 (Section A:1a-1c)’ll do it right awy. turn down yard right away 教学过程与方法: 通过听说训练和小组合作活动,培养学生的口语表达能力和提高听力水平。 教材分析: 教学内容为“Go for it ”新目标英语八年级下册第七单元Section A(1a-1c)。学习内容主要体现在以下2点: 1. Make request. 2. Apologize. 学生分析: 本班45个学生,大部分学生对英语有兴趣,但相对来说基础不是很扎实,需要慢慢引导。 情感目标 1 To be a polite person 2 Be interested in speaking English 教学资源准备 多媒体 录音机 小便利贴纸 教学学案 教学方法设计 Revision, Learning, Practice and Listening 教学设计 基本上让每个学生知道怎么提出请求,且能开口应对就完成了内容请求。 同步练习设计 教师自编学案和教材配套练习册上的部分内容 二、 教学过程设计 Step 1 Warm up (热身). 师:Morning, class. I have some questions. Can you answer my questions? 生:Yes, Miss Bai. 师:What chores do you usually do on weekends? 生:I usually clean my room. 生:I usually sweep the floor. 生:…… fold the close/ fold the quilt/ do the dishes/ take out the trash. 师:Good boys or good girls! We should share some chores with our family members. 【设计思路及资源应用分析】 通过问答的形式来复习以前学过的短语,引出学生的兴趣,通过不同的学生回答复习和巩固了上单元所学知识,同时也锻炼口语,为引出新的学习内容做好准备。 Step 2 Presentation (呈现) 1.Ask and answer:师:Could you please open the door/clean your room/sweep the floor? 生:….. Ask some students to answer some questions, maybe they have different answers, write down the main answers on the blackboard. ——Yes, please. ——Certainly ——Of course. ——sorry. I’ll do it now. 2.师:OK. Wonderful. Now let’s listen to a piece of loud and noise music. Ask students a question: 师:What do you think of the music? 生:…… 师:I’ll turn it down. (turn down means 调低).In this situation, if you want to make request how to express? We reviewed it just now, can you remember it? 板书: turn down (复习turn on/turn off拓展turn up ) 生:(maybe there are different expressions.)Could you please turn down the music? 师:In this unit we’re going to learn another polite way of making requests. Now we learn Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music? 板书:Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music? Would you mind( not) doing sth?(你介意(不)做……?) 设计意图: 通过创设情境,用以前学过的礼貌请求的句型引出过度新句型


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