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Severe earthquakes happened in China Chang's seismogragh Main topics: Part 1: passage 1 Ideally,people would like to know when an earthquake is going to happen and how bad it will be. Part 2: passage 2-6 People would also like to be able to prevent the great destruction of property caused by earthquake Part 3: passage 7 Scientists try to predict earthquakes with accuracy day and night Pragragh 1 How do people predict an earthquake? pragragh 2 What kind of building structure might prevent the great destruction of property? pragragh 3-6 pragragh 7 1.detect /di'tekt/ vt notice or discover sth.that is difficult to see,feel,etc Use: detect sb. in (doing)...发觉某人在做(坏事) E.g He was detected in the act of stealing. 他在偷窃时被当场发觉。 2.data/'deit?/ n[u] Facts;information. data 为 datum/'deit?m /的复数 Use: Thank you for furnishing(提供) me with so many data. 谢谢你供给我这么多的资料。 The data we have collected is not enough to be convincing. 我们所收集的资料还不足以令人信服。 3.joint /d?int/ n &a 1.n [C] a place where two parts of sth.are jointed together [C] a place where two bones are connected 2.a belonging to or shared between two or more people Use: a joint action 联合行动;【律】共同诉讼 joint authors 合著者 a joint declaration [statement] 联合声明 joint enterprise 合资企业 4.horizontal /h?ri'z?nt?l/ a Flat and level Use: The lake has a horizontal surface. 湖面呈水平状。 out of the horizontal 不成水平的 5.vertical /'v?:tik?l/ a Pointing up in a line that forms an angle of 90° with a flat surface Use: He climbed the vertical cliff. 他攀登陡峭的悬崖。 The northern side of the mountain is almost vertical. 这座山的北坡几乎是垂直的。 6.enclose /in'kl?uz/ vt 1.Surround sth 2.Put inside an envelope or parcel,esp.in ad


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