2016M7U3P6 Project.ppt

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2016M7U3P6 Project

What do you do step by step when you research information on the Internet? Part B Giving an oral report Preparing Now that you have chosen your topic, your group will need to discuss and agree on an answer to each of the following questions: What information will you try to find? How can you find the information? What each group member will be responsible for to finish each task? * Part A Reading Researching on the Internet p46project.mp3 Read the information sheet about Internet research carefully and try to fill in the following forms. ·built by humans ·selected by a person and divided into specific subject categories ·present________________________________, sometimes a short summary ·present_______________________________________________________________________ ·a type of computer program ·based on ____________ ___________________ ·choose pages for you ______________________________________ ·present _____________ ________________ ·present _____________ ___________________ Subject directories Search engines the key word(s) you type in which contain the word(s) you ask for unevaluated contents the full article or pages a bunch of titles of articles or pages evaluated, relevant and correct information, not up to date Planning Preparing Producing Presenting Planning Work in small groups and choose a topic which your group will search information for on the Internet. All the group members should agree on the topic you choose. Producing Some group members write down the topic to be searched on the Internet. Some search the information on the Internet. Some write down the final conclusions. Presenting Now its time to present your findings to the class in an oral report and prepare to answer any questions your classmates have about your searching or result. Language points 1. do research on 2. the more… the more… 3. keep in mind 4. be based on 5. ask for 6. be p


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