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Radio time flies, rapid economic growth, let us live a modern life. 现在是灯红酒绿、电脑、液晶电视的时代。 Now is the scene of debauchery, computers, liquid crystal televisions. 然而我,还是固执的过着清茶淡饭,广播,收音机相伴的生活。 But I still stubbornly living tea light meal, broadcasting, radio accompany life. 不是因为没有钱,只是因为喜欢用耳朵,听世界,用心去看世界,让心,获得更多的宁静。 Not because there is no money, just because I like to use their ears, listening to the world, heart to see the world, so that heart more peaceful. 那么多年,用过许多的收音机,从矿石收音机 ,到数码收音机,珍爱过,也喜新厌旧过。 So many years, used many of the radio, from the ore radio to digital radio, cherish too, but also grass is always greener over. 零零总总我的家里有几十台了。 Page Total Total I have dozens of homes. 昨天搬家,整出了二十来台。 Move yesterday, the whole out of 20 in Taiwan. 看着他们,顿时感到分外的亲切,有点给他们写点什么的冲动。 Watching them, I felt exceptionally warm, a little to give them the urge to write something. 于是就成就了这篇小文。 So the success of this small article. 在我的那么多收音机里,除一些收藏品收音机外,最常用的还是国产德劲和德生的。 So many of my radio, in addition to some of collectibles radio, the most commonly used or made Degen and German students. 其中最衷爱的是用德生。 One of the most Zhong Ai is the use of German students. 德生收音机用过的有十几款。 German students used a dozen radio section. 德生是中国东莞的一家著名收音机制造公司。 Troy is in Dongguan, a well-known radio manufacturer. 其产品价格实惠性能出色,在国际上也有一定的知名度。 Excellent performance of their products affordable, has some international visibility. 德生的十年经验,积淀了深厚的设计和生产功力。 Troy's years of experience, accumulated the rich design and production skill. 德生收音机从 1995 年到 2006 年,陆续推出了几十款收音机产品,包括调频调幅收音机、数字显示多波段收音机、数字调谐式收音机、短波二次变频收音机 、手摇发电环保型收音机、广播爱好者收音机以及专业型收音机等,其中相当部分的产品具有挑战性及独特的创造性。 Troy Radio from 1995 to 2006, launched the dozens of radio products, including AM FM radio, digital display multi-band radio, digital tuning radios, short wave double conversion radio, hand power generation environment-friendly radio, radio hobby by radio and professional type radio, etc. A significant part of the products of creative challenging and unique. 1996 年起,德生公司开始为国



