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钢钉线卡机设计 摘 要 随着科学技术、工业生产水平的不断发展和人们生活条件的不断改善市场愈加需要各种各样性能优良、质量可靠、价格低廉、效率高、能耗低的机械产品,而决定产品性能、质量、水平、市场竞争能力和经济效益的重要环节是产品设计。机械产品设计中,首要任务是进行机械运动方案的设计和构思、各种传动机构和执行机构的选用和创新设计。这要求设计者综合应用各类典型机构的结构组成、运动原理、工作特点、设计方法及其在系统中的作用等知识,根据使用要求和功能分析,选择合理的工艺动作过程,选用或创新机构型式并巧妙地组合成新的机械运动方案,从而设计出结构简单、制造方便、性能优良、工作可靠、实用性强的机械产品。本设计旨在从创新的角度设计出一种能够替代装潢工人手工固定墙面钢钉线卡进而固定线缆的电动设备。通过总体方案的选定以及各传动动机构和执行机构的设计,结合当前世界的一些新的技术理论(直线电机理论),完成最终的理论设计。试图通过现有技术的整合以及部分机构零件的创新设计来实现设计的价值。与此同时进行对设备的功能扩展做一定的研究,使设计出的设备能够对不同的钢钉线卡有一定的兼容能力。另外在完成机械系统设计后,对设备的机械控制电路做一定的设计。 关键词:机械设计;钢钉线卡;电动设备,直线电机;控制电路 ABSTRACT With the continuous development of science and technology, industrial production level and the constant improvement of peoples living conditions, market increasingly needs a variety of mechanical products, which is excellent in performance, reliable in quality, cheap in price, high in efficiency and low in energy consumption. However, it is product design that plays an important role in determining the product performance, quality, level, market competition ability and economic benefits. In the design of mechanical products, the design and construction of the mechanical motion scheme and the selection and creation of various kinds of transmission mechanism and actuator come first. These require the designers to integratedly apply the knowledge on constitution, motion principle, work characteristics and design method of each typical mechanism, and the knowledge on the role it plays in the system, and so on. According to the using requirements and function analysis, choose reasonable mechanical process, adopt or create mechanical type and ingeniously combined them into a new mechanical motion scheme, so as to design the mechanical products with simple structure, easy manufacture, excellent performance, reliable operation, and high practicability. This design aims to create a kind of electric equipment that could replace the work of fixing wall cable clips and holding cables by d


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