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颐园雅居建筑给排水设计 专业:建筑设备工程技术 指导教师: 学生: 学号: 摘 要 本设计为宜宾市的一栋1-12层的住宅楼,建筑面积为5226.9m2,建筑高度为39.6m,12层。1-11层都为单元式住宅。 在综合对比分析的基础上,设计了建筑给水系统排水系统。 给水考虑到常年市政可用水压不能满足建筑所需水压,需进行竖向分区。加压供水。下面五层单元式住宅采用市政管网直接供水,采取下行上给的干管敷设方式,6-11层采用变频泵供水,有变频泵直接供水,同样的采取下行上给的干管的敷设方式;室内排水系统拟使生活污水和生活废水合流排出,生活污水与生活废水经过室外化粪池处理后排至市政污水管网;室外采用雨水和污水分流的排水体;本设计不采用集中热水供应系统,而是在每一单元式住宅设置燃气热水器,采用独立热水供应系统。 高层建筑建筑给排水分区供水 Author: Tutor: This project is a design of water supply and drainage systems for a high-rise apartment building named Yi YuanYa Ju in Yi Bin City. The area of the building is 5226.9㎡. and the height is39.6m. There are 12 floor in this building.. Baised on the synthesis analysis ,the water supply system ,the drainage system . The water supply system, considering that the municipal hydraulic pressure can not meet the demand of the whole building, need to adopt zoning, The first eight floors adopt direct water supply from the municipal network.. The 6th-12th floors adopt the pressurized water supply system with variable frequency pumps, The indoor sewage and waster water are collected together into a pipe and discharged . After being disposed by outdoor septic tank , they are expelled to the municipal drainage system .which is the rainwater and sewage separated system . There is no central hot water supply system in this building but an independent system by installing water heater in every apartment.. Keyword: High building、 Building Water Supply 、The Partitionging Of Water1 1 设计任务及数据··························································2 1.1 设计任务··························································2 1.1.1 建筑给水工程 ················································· 2 1.1.2 建筑排水工程···················································2 1.2 建筑设计数据······················································2 1.2.1 设计依据·······················································2 1.2.2 设计资料·······················································2 2 建筑给水系统 ····


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