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中小企业的经营发展战略研究——以虎威公司为例 摘要:改革开放以来,中小企业以其自身的特色经营更能适应当今瞬息万变的市场和消费者追求个性化、潮流化的要求,从而保持较为迅速的发展,成为国民经济发展的一支重要力量。而入世到一个阶段以来,中小企业在长期的经营发展中,其自身存在的弊端初露端倪,中小企业由于自身的因素面临着内外环境带来的融资难、技术创新不足等一系列的问题和挑战,使得中小企业在新的时期有必要做出新的战略选择,不断的探索、研究,以便能够充分发挥自身的优势,扬长避短,抓住机遇,迎接挑战,存进企业的持续快速发展。本文主要以虎威公司为例,通过对中小企业的发展成就和虎威公司进行介绍后,重点对中小企业的经营发展优劣势以及其经营发展中面临的机遇和挑战进行分析,进而做出新的战略选择,保证企业的持续快速健康发展。 关键词:中小企业 经营发展 融资 技术创新 战略选择 Abstract: Since reform and opening up their own small and medium-sized business can adapt to the characteristics of todays rapidly changing markets and consumers seeking personalized, the trend of the request, thereby to maintain a relatively rapid development, economic development has become an important force. And since the accession to the WTO to a stage, small and medium-sized business in the long-term development, the existence of the defects of its own horizon, small and medium enterprises as a result of its internal and external factors that are faced with difficult financing environment, lack of technological innovation and a series of problems challenges, and makes small and medium enterprises in the new era there is a need to make new strategic choices, and continuously explore, research, in order to be able to give full play to their advantages, Play to our strengths, to avoid a disadvantage, seize opportunities, meet challenges, deposited the sustained and rapid development of enterprises. In this paper, to HW for example, through the development of small and medium-sized companies achievements and HW introduction, the focus of the operation and development of small and medium enterprises as well as its operating advantages and disadvantages faced by developing an analysis of the opportunities and challenges, and then make a new strategic choice, to ensure the sustained, rapid and sound business development. Key words: Small and medium-sized Business development Financing Technological innovation Strategic choice 引言 自改革开放以来,中小企业以其自身的特色经营保持较为迅速的发展,成为国民经济发展的一支重要力量。由于其自身


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