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摘 要 本次设计玉米脱粒机工作原理就是利用板齿和脱粒辅助轴之间的相互挤搓实现脱粒,板齿安装在滚筒上,滚筒的主轴通过曲柄连杆机构和脚踏板相连。脱粒辅助轴是用于抵住玉米棒,并利于玉米棒在板齿和辅助轴之间滚动和滑动,从而实现脱粒。本设计重点是曲柄连杆机构的设计,以达到最优工况;滚筒、主轴、板齿和脱粒辅助轴的设计,还有排芯区和喂料装置——漏斗的设计。 设计各项参数达到预期目标,脱净率高、破碎率低、经济性好,尤其适合南方小面积种植农户使用。对减轻劳动强度,提高生产效率,减轻农民负担,增加收入有很大的意义。 关键词:脱粒机 脱粒滚筒 脱粒辅助轴 漏斗 abstract Design maize sheller operation principle to utilize board tooth and thresh, assist to crowd to rub with the hands and realize threshing each other axle this time, the board tooth is installed on the cylinder, the main shaft of the cylinder links up with the running-board through the crank connecting rod organization. Thresh, assist axle used for, support, live in maize to be excellent, benefit maize to be excellent in board tooth assisting axle roll and slip, thus realize threshing. This design focus is the design of a crank connecting rod organization, in order to reach the optimum operating mode; Cylinder, main shaft, board tooth and threshing to assist the design of the axle, still arrange the core district and feed the material device --Design of the funnel. Design every parameter reach re-set target, take off net rate high, broken rate low, economy is fine, especially suitable for the little area in the South and plant peasant households to use. To lightening labour intensity, improve production efficiency, lighten peasants burden, increase incomes and have very great meanings. Keywords: Sheller Cylinder threshing Extracts seeds the auxiliary axis Funnel 目录 引言 2 一.玉米脱粒机的工作原理 4 二.玉米脱粒机驱动机构的型式与最优工况的选择 5 2.1 驱动机构的作用与型式 5 2.2 驱动机构最优工况及曲柄最佳位值的选择 8 三.玉米脱粒机驱动机构设计技术要求 8 3.1 驱动机构各构件的相对位置必须满足省力的要求 8 3.2踏板行程S和摆角φ的设计要求 8 3.3行程速比系数K和极位夹角θ 9 3.4 机架高度H 9 3.5 踏板位置的确定 9 3.6 小齿轮中心位置的确定 10 3.7 摇杆、连杆和曲柄之间的相对位置确定 10 四.玉米脱粒机滚筒及脱粒部件的设计分析 10 4.1 玉米脱粒机的运动特点 10 4.2 玉米脱粒机的静力平衡 11 4.3 滚筒动力学分析 12 4.4 脱粒滚筒转速 12 4.5 滚筒直径及滚筒主轴轴径和齿轮传动比的选择 13 4.6 滚筒板齿的相关设计 13 4.7 玉米脱粒辅助轴的设计 14 4.8 辅助轴的的一些安装位置 15 4.9 排芯区的设计 16 4.10 漏斗的设计和安装 17 五.玉米脱粒机的主要工作部件的强度校核 17 5.1 玉米脱粒机大齿轮主轴的校核 17 5.2玉米脱粒机大齿轮偏心轴的校核 21 结束语 23 参考文献 24


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