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喜欢的朋友帮忙点下右边的大拇指啊。不知道这样能不能挣点贝壳,现在贝壳真难挣啊 想象力是人类创新的源泉。 想象力的魅力在于它可以将你带入一个虚拟世界,实现现实生活中不可能实现的梦想。 想象力的作用就是它可以使你享受快乐,享受惊奇,享受自由,享受现实生活中少有的感受。 ? 最近我家的亲子阅读书架上有一本题为“想象有一天”,书本上带来的视觉效果的丰富,更为佩服作者的想象力是如此的强。国内孩子相比,想象力培养这方面都是比较欠缺的,希望这本书可以唤起更加多的家长,对孩子想象创造力的培养。 ? Imagine a day when you can dive down through branches or swim up to the sun 可以想象到有一天,通过攀爬大树的倒影也能到达岸上吗? ? Imagine a day when grace and daring are all we need to build a bridge 想象有一天古希腊的人墙也能造成桥梁,让火车悠然通过? ? Imagine a day when your wishes float on a puff of air to summon back the blue 想象到有一天,你所有的愿望随着气球升空,一一实现? ? Imagine a day when your house enfolds you like a nest rocking gently in the autumn wind 想象到有一天,你的房子和鸟巢紧密相连? ? Imagine a day when you forget how to fall 想象到有一天,你已经忘掉了摔倒的感觉,勇于冒险? ? Imagine a day wehn we build a moat not to keep strangers out but to welcome them in 想象到有一天,平时用来杜绝外人进入的小湖,变成了触地的版块,欢迎客人的进入? ? Imagine a day when you dont need wings to soar 想象到有一天,你不需要秋千也能飞荡起来? ? Imagine a day when autumn is a yellow canopy above you a burnt orange carpet underneath a road you have never ridden on before 想象到有一天,你可以在树木上骑单车,探险这条新的城市交通道路,并友善地和途人打招呼? ? Imagine a day when everything you build touches the sky 想象到有一天,所以你堆的积木,都可以触摸到天空? ? Imagine a day when roots drink up rivers twigs tangle in clouds and a tree is a ladder between earth and air 想象到有一天,树木变成了梯子,连接地球和空气? ? Imagine a day when you build the world around you piece by piece 想象到有一天,你可以用拼图彻出自己的世界? ? Imagine a day when the edge of the map is only the beginning of what we can explore 想象到有一天,地图的边缘,只是我们去探险的开始? ? Imagine a day when your sand castle can withstand even the highest waves 想象到有一天,你所堆的沙之城堡可以抵御最高的海浪的冲击? ? Imagine a day when the peace of a forest and the strength of a mountain become a cathedral for your heart 想象到有一天,森林和山脉可以成为你心目中的天堂?而不是一座座的教堂? ? Imagine a day when a book swings open on silent hinges and a place youve never seen before welcomes you home 想象到有一天,打开所有的书本,里面总是连接着外面的世界? Imagine ......today 让我们今天开始,一起想象! 点评


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