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Part One Sentence Translation 1许多城里人已经厌烦城市生活,而越来越多的乡下人正准备往城里搬。 Many people in the city are bored about the city life while more and more folks in the country are moving to the city. 2据说今年我校的6546个毕业生要去竞争仅仅4826个岗位。 6546 graduate students in Chang’an University were said to compete for 4826 positions this year. 3她很会说话,整天也穿得整整齐齐的,但家里常年四季都是乱七八糟。 She can talk in good tastes and is always dressed neatly, but her room is often at sixes and sevens. 4汲取上次事件的教训后,我决定还是亲自去施工现场和工人对话为好。 Sucking from the last experience, I decided to have a face-to-face talk with the workers on the spot myself. 5考前她悄悄去看了老师,希望能得到有关考试的情况,可一无所得。 She secretly called on her teacher before the exam in the hope of getting some hints about the exam but in vain. 6当得知老师会这样来考我们时,大家全都给蒙住了,不知道如何动手。 When we learnt that we should be tested in that way, we were at a loss and didn’t know where to start. 7中国经济的高速发展应该归功于邓小平的市场经济和后来的南巡讲话。 We should owe the rapid development of China’s economy to DengXiaoping’s Market economy and his remarks during his tourism in China’s South. 8现在市场上之所以假货屡禁不止是因为他们造假货比造真货赚钱多。 The reasons why the fake products cannot be stopped in the market are that the manufacturers can make more money from producing fake ones than from genuine ones. 9布什政府当初在中东地区所采取的军事行动最后还是以失败而告终。 The Military attack in the Middle East by Bush administration ended with a failure at last. 10作为一名即将退休的高级干部,他特害怕将他的所作所为登在报上。 As a high-rank cadre to be retired soon, he is very afraid that what he has done will find its way into the newspapers. 11作为一个科技人员,你应该随时用现代科技来武装自己的头脑,十分了解自己专业领域的最新进展,这样才能很快出人头地。 As a scientific worker, you should arm yourself with modern science and technology and always keep yourself well informed about the latest development in your own field so that you can get ahead soon. 12在大学教育中,知识教育靠教师,而校园教育靠校园的整个环境,两者都不可缺。 In colleges, knowledge education depends on teachers while campus education relies on the whole environment, both of which are important. 13之所以要求人人都学数学就在于用它可以解释清楚我们日常生活中所好奇的这样或那样的事物。 The rea


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