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编号:119390241181 本科学年论文 题 目: 航空服务对我国民航发展的影响 学 院: 旅游与航空服务学院 专 业: 空乘与礼仪安检 年 级: 11级空乘五班 姓 名: 王鑫 指导教师: 顾军 完成日期: 2014年12月25日 摘 要 本文主要内容是强调民航发展过程中服务的重要性,从改革开放一直到现在,随着百姓日常生活水平的提高,民航越来越多的成为居民消费热点之一。在介绍了我国近年民航事业发展情况的基础上,以服务入手进行了分析,并得出公众对我国民航发展过程中表现出来的服务水平在不断关注,对民航发展过程中遇到的安全、价格、服务等问题时,服务竟占70%,也就是说服务的优劣直接影响乘客是否再次乘坐的念头。虽然目前我国各航空公司对服务进行了针对性的加强提高,但对一些特殊事情的处理上,还不够与国际接轨,这表明我国民航发展还需逐步健全,航空公司及空乘人员的服务相关性需逐步加强。从而在此条件成立的基础上分析服务对我国民航发展的影响及对策,怎样才能使企业在市场中突显自己的优势。 关键词:服务;相关性;民航发展;企业市场 Abstract The main content of this paper is to emphasize the importance of the civil service in the development process, from the reform and opening up until now, with the daily life of the people and raising the level of civil aviation, more and more becomes one of the consumer hot. In the introduction of the basic civil aviation development in China in recent years on to service, analyzed, and draw the public to show the development process of China's civil aviation service level in constant attention, to meet the development of civil aviation in the process of security, price, service and other issues, the service accounts for 70%, that is to say service directly influences whether passengers ride again thought. Although China's airlines on service is targeted to enhance the increase, but the treatment of some special things, is not in line with international standards, this indicates that China's civil aviation development also need to gradually improve the service relationship, airline and flight attendants need to strengthen gradually. Analysis of service impact on China's civil aviation development and the countermeasures to the establishment of the basic conditions, how to make enterprises to highlight their own advantages in the market. Keywords: service; correlation; the development of civil aviation enterprise market



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