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机械设计 摘 要 红枣分级是红枣加工过程中的一个重要环节,红枣分级质量的好坏直接影响红枣的经济效益。目前,红枣的分级加主要依靠人工,劳动强度大,生产成本高,而且分级质量受人为因素影响严重,分级质量无法确保。红枣的分级问题已经成为制约红枣产业发展的一个因素。 红枣业种植地区干枣增值低,市场销售的干枣大多数是通货或少量的人工分级,大部分以原料形式出售,附加值低,竞争处于劣势,红枣加工的滞后制约枣种植区红枣业的发展。目前,随着人民消费水平不断提高,消费者对于高品质红枣的需求也不断增加。作为枣农既要满足消费者需求又要使红枣增值,只有通过红枣的加工才能同时满足二者的要求。离心式红枣分级机是红枣加工必不可缺的初级设备。 离心式红枣分级机是利用离心原理,根据红枣质量的不同,在高速离心力的作用下,红枣能按质量不同,从各出口排出,从而达到分级的目标。该机构主要由螺旋槽、机架、出料收集槽、传动机构等组成。初步设定将红枣分为三级,螺旋槽壁有一倾斜角,红枣在高速离心力作用下沿螺旋槽内壁旋转,并且靠离心力对螺旋槽内壁产生的摩擦力克服自身重力,随螺旋槽旋转做螺旋线运动,质量大的红枣在上层,质量小的在下层,最终从不同的螺旋槽壁出口排出,进入出料收集槽,从出料收集槽的不同出口排出,达到分级目的。 关键词:离心式;红枣;分级机 Abstract Red dates classification is an important link in the process of red dates, red dates grading quality directly affects the economic benefits of red dates. At present, red dates, grading and mainly rely on the artificial, high labor intensity, high production cost, quality and grade of severely affected by human factors, hierarchical quality cannot ensure. Classification of red dates has become a factor restricting the red dates industry development. Red dates industry planting area jujube value-added is low, the majority of the market sales of the jujube is artificial classification currency or a small amount of raw materials, mostly sold, low added value, competitive disadvantage, red dates processing lag restricts the development of jujube cultivation area of red dates industry. At present, with the improvement of peoples consumption levels continue to improve, consumers are also increasing demand for high quality red dates. As the service not only to meet consumer demand to value-added and red dates, red dates only by processing can simultaneously satisfy two requirements. Centrifugal red dates classifier is primary equipment red dates processing necessary. Centrifugal red dates classifier is the use of centrifugal principle, according to the different quality of red dates, in high speed under the action of centrifugal force, red dates according to the different quality, discharged from the expo



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