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单位代码:10204 吉林工程技术师范学院 文化传媒学院 毕业论文 学生姓名: 指导教师: 专 业:汉语言文学 班 级: 学 号: 论文起止年月:2015 年3月 至 2015年 6月 金庸小说爱情主题论析 On?the theme of Jin Yongs Novels 梁彤 指导教师: 职称: 专业名称: 汉语言文学 答辩时间: 答辩委员会主席: 毕业论文评阅人: 年 摘 要 金庸的武侠小说是中国现代新武侠小说的代表,在题材的选择、人物的塑造和展现社会时代的风貌方面有鲜明得到特色,在创作技法上独树一帜,具有示范意义。对金庸小说中爱情故事的评价历来褒贬不一,有学者:“在金庸的小说中,女性似乎是为情而生的,总是以弱势群体的形象出现。金庸小说的爱情主题影射着男权中心的意识,男性的爱情对象往往倾向于温柔、极具魅力型女性,而不认同甚至排斥强势女性,这潜意识里存在着‘男尊女卑’的传统爱情观。”而有的学者认为:“金庸小说非常成功的将这种女性情怀、女性之美成了与英雄胸襟、侠义并驾齐驱的一个观点。甚至可以说金庸笔下的‘情’比‘义’‘武’更让读者心动、迷恋。”所以本文将从爱情主题出发,爱情故事与英雄侠义并驾齐驱,刀光剑影中也充满着缠绵悱恻的儿女情长,这样一个金庸式的江湖世界进行深入的探索。 关键词:爱情;英雄;侠义 Abstract in Yongs martial arts is the new representative of modern Chinese martial arts, and in the choice of subject matter, shape and style to show the social aspects of the character of the era have been distinctive features, unique in the creative techniques, exemplary. Love story of Jin Yongs novels have always received mixed reviews, some scholars :In Jin Yongs novels, the women seem to be born for love, always vulnerable to the emergence of the image of the love theme of his novels, alluding to the patriarchal awareness center, men tend to love objects gentle, very charismatic woman, without a strong identity and even exclusion of women, which exists subconscious sexist traditional view of love and some scholars believe that: Jin Yongs novels This will be a very successful female feelings, female beauty has become the hero of the mind, a point chivalrous par even be said Jin Yongs love than justice Mo leaving readers to the heart, obsessed. Therefore, this paper will Starting from the theme of love, a love story with a par chivalrous hero, swords are also full of romance of their love, such a style of Jin Yong-depth exploration of the worlds river


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