大学英语4 7-8单元new.doc

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大学英语4 7-8单元new.doc

大学英语第四册听说教程上机学习大厅听力单元测试答案Unit 7-8 Unit 7、8 Listening Comprehension ? ? I. Directions: Listen to the short conversations and choose the right answers to the questions you hear. The conversations will be read ONLY ONCE.(10 points) ? 1.?? A. It is too late for the man to go to the concert. (0) B. The man must wait for two hours to buy a ticket. (0) C. People have already been standing in line for two hours. (0) D. The man can buy a standing-room ticket tomorrow. (3)?? 参考答案:The man can buy a standing-room ticket tomorrow. 答题人数 :3 正确 / 错误 : 3 / 0 正确率 : 100%? 2.?? A. He has arranged to take the exam next year. (0) B. He is pleased since the woman offered to help him. (0) C. He has reason to be happy, despite the exam. (3) D. He actually did very well in the exam. (0)?? 参考答案:He has reason to be happy, despite the exam. 答题人数 :3 正确 / 错误 : 3 / 0 正确率 : 100%? 3.?? A. She’d like to come along. (2) B. She knows her way around the harbor. (1) C. The warm weather is quite pleasant. (0) D. The ride will take all day. (0)?? 参考答案:She’d like to come along. 答题人数 :3 正确 / 错误 : 2 / 1 正确率 : 66%? 4.?? A. He put the information on top of his desk. (0) B. The top of his head hurts. (0) C. He doesn’t know the answer right now. (3) D. He’s afraid that very few people are registered. (0)?? 参考答案:He doesn’t know the answer right now. 答题人数 :3 正确 / 错误 : 3 / 0 正确率 : 100%? 5.?? A. She would like to see the new stamps. (0) B. She agrees that the price is too high. (1) C. She wants to know what the price will be. (2) D. She needs to mail some letters now. (0)?? 参考答案:She wants to know what the price will be. 答题人数 :3 正确 / 错误 : 2 / 1 正确率 : 66%? ? ? 6.?? A. He doesn’t want to ask Mr. Jones himself. (0) B. He doesn’t want to work for Mr. Jones. (0) C. Mr. Jones may have broken the radio. (0) D. Mr. Jones might fix the radio. (2)?? 参考答案:Mr. Jones might fix the radio. 答题人数 :3 正确 / 错误 : 2 / 1 正确率 : 66%? 7.?? A. They don’t have to go to the concert. (0) B. His brother should



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