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1. When the cancer cells have invaded surrounding tissue or have spread through the blood or lymph to other parts of the body, complete removal becomes impossible.在癌症细胞感染了周围组织或通过血管或淋巴扩散到全身后就不能完全割除了。 2. Factories everywhere are demanding for the new instruments with which it is possible to perform many experiments.各地的工厂都需要这种新仪器,用它能作许多试验。 3. She obtain the honor by all students for her excellent teaching.她出色的教学水平赢得了广大学生的尊敬。 4. Gases are frequently considered to incompressible.通常认为气体是可压缩的,而液体是不可压缩的。 5. The ancients tried unsuccessfully to explain how a rainbow is formed. 古代人曾经试图说明虹是怎样产生的,但没有成功。 6. There (in Germany)a group of amateur enthusiasts, inspired by dreams of inter- planetary travel, were conducting their own, occasionally fatal, experiments on liquid-fuelled rockets.德国有一些业余的火箭爱好者,在进行星旅行时的梦想激励下进行液体燃烧火箭实验,它们的实验有时是非常危险的。 7. With the deve1opment of modern electrical engineering, power can be transmitted to wherever it is needed.随着现代电气工程的发展,人们能把电力输送到所需的的任何地方。 8. Six medical scientists were honored in 1973 by the Gairdner Foundation of Toronto, Canada, for outstanding research.由于杰出的研究工作,六位科学家荣获了加拿大多伦多盖尔德纳基金的颁发的奖励。 9. The first practical steam engine was invented by James Watt in 1776 . This is generally accepted as the beginning of the Industrial Revolution Then,the screw cutting lathe,invented by Henry Maudslay in 1797,became one of the first and most important of the power driven machine tools.第一个能够实际应用的蒸气机是由詹姆斯.瓦特在1776发明的,一般认为,那时候为工业革命的开始。亨利.莫尔兹在1797年发明的螺纹加工机床成为第一批重要的动力驱动的机床之一。 10. In order to detect the time when a cutting tool should be changed,most modern machines are equipped with indicators that show the horsepower used during the machining operation When a tool becomes dull more horsepower is required for the operation.which will show on the indicator.When this occurs.the tool should he reconditioned immediately.为了知道什么时侯该换刀具,大部分现代机床都安装了指示器来显示切削加工所耗的功率。当刀具用钝时,加工就需耗更多的功率,并由指示器显示出来。一旦发生这种情况就应立即打磨刀具。 11. All products that come cut of industry cons


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