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选修六单词与短语检测人教版 Unit 2 Poems 一.?单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇) 1.If you taste some seawater, you will find it s_________- 2.We must consider a problem in all it’s a___________. 3.She lives in a charming c_________ in the countryside. 4.Li Shizhen’s Bencaogangmu has been t_____________ into many languages. 5.Most girls like wearing a d__________ ring. 6.Her face become red with__________(生气), and she couldn’t say anything. 7.The deep ________(悲伤) she felt was obvious in the expression of her face. 8.A voice came from _______(黑暗), but she couldn’t see anyone. 9.My friends were wearing two or three sweaters for extra _________(温暖). 10.If you are easy to get lost, you’d better take a ________(指南针)with you. 11.No word can c_______ my thanks to you at the moment. 12.We have learned a new sentence p_______ in this unit. 13.The ______(背诵) habit must be formed when you are young. 14.An _______(合适) method must be found to deal with such situation. 15._______(分析)the difficult sentences helps to understand the text well. 16.The music is written in a _______ (节奏) of three beats to a bar. 17.I’m ________ (等待) their reply. 18 The songs of birds ______ (唤醒) me. 19. Don’t take it seriously, he was only ______ (开玩笑) 20.. English is a _______ (分支) of Germanic family of languages. 二 . 短语翻译 1.复习,检查 ?????????? 2. 有意义,说得通   ?????????? 理解……  ?????????? 有意义,说得通 ?????????? 3.给某人背诵/读 / 解释…… ?????????? 4.表达情感 ?????????? 5.向鞠躬 / 屈服 ?????????? 6.熬夜1. ??????????2. ?????????? 7.放轻松,别紧张 ??????????别着急,慢慢来 8.用完,耗尽(及物)  ??????????   用完(不及物) ?????????? 9.组成 / 编造 / 化妆 / 弥补 / 和解 ?????????? 由……组成 ?????????? 10.再多几分钟 ?????????? 11. 很受欢迎 ?????????? 12.充满 ?????????? 13.A翻译成B ?????????? 14.一周又一周 ?????????? 一天又一天 ?????????? 15.继续不停地 ?????????? 16.碰巧 ?????????? 17. 继续 / 别挂断(电话) ?????????? 18.有可能….. ?????????? 19.试验 ??????????试穿 ?????????? 20.泄漏 / 发出(声音) / 释放 / 放宽(衣服) ?????????? 21.盼望 ?


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