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拉长产业链条提升发展质量Long industry chain development quality of ascension 7-3日下午,市委书记蓝绍敏带领市委工作会议A组人员,对沭阳县经济社会发展情况进行观摩。在观摩过程中,蓝绍敏反复指出,全市上下一定要始终坚持工业主体地位不动摇,把促进工业经济发展放在首要位置,在推动企业科技创新、拉长产业链条等方面下更大功夫,做强实体经济,做优发展质态,努力以工业的快突破推动经济的大发展。3 in the afternoon, LanShaoMin led secretary of municipal party committee of municipal party committee working meeting of A group, to watch shuyang economic and social development situation. In the process of watching, LanShaoMin repeatedly points out, the whole city subject position move not must always adhere to the industry, to promote the development of industrial economy in the first place, in promoting enterprise technology innovation, the stretched industrial chain makes greater efforts, and stronger the real economy, optimize the development mode, to industrial fast breakthrough to promote the great development of economy.   确实,以企业科技创新拉长产业链条,是做强实体经济,做优发展质态,提升经济发展质量的重要途径。正如观摩期间与会人员看到的那样,在沭阳友富薄板科技、瑞声电子、正将自动化设备、晟富多彩包装、宋和宋智能科技等工业企业,产业链的积极效应得到充分体现。大量生产资料的本地消化利用不仅有效节约了企业成本,而且成本的下降形成了新的竞争力,有了竞争力就有了市场,有了市场就能激励企业发展,促进产业发展,提升经济运行的质量和效益。Indeed, to spin industry chain, the enterprise who do scientific and technological innovation is a stronger economy, make the optimal development mode, improving the quality of economic development the important way. As view during the staff see, participating in the ShuYang friend rich sheet are sound science and technology, electronics, automation equipment, sheng rich and colorful packing, song and song intelligent science and technology industrial enterprises, the positive effects of industrial chain to get fully embody. Mass production data of local digestion using not only saves cost effectively, and reduced costs to form the new competitive, with competitiveness will have the market, there can encourage enterprises to develop the market, promote the development of the industry, enhance the economic operation quality and efficiency.   年初以来,全市上下紧紧围绕建设小康社会目标,按照“一三六七”发展思路,突出“稳中求进、好中求快”工作导向,开拓奋进,攻坚克难,产业转型升级迈出新步伐。但是,我们仍


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