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宝桥小学积极组织开展 ——“开学第一课”主题活动 “开学第一课”是学生思想道德建设工作的重要内容,推动学校德育工作深入开展,更具有针对性与实效性。宝桥小学“开学第一课”系列活动丰富多彩,涵盖养成教育、爱国主义教育、理想信念教育等具体内容,是培养学生成为有理想、有思想、有主见、有行动的时代少年的重要途径。 今年是中国共产党建党95周年和红军长征胜利80周年,教育部和中央电视台联合制作的大型公益电视节目《开学第一课》,以“先辈的旗帜”为主题,围绕长征精神,讲述红军故事,深入开展理想信念教育。学校及时下发通知并通过家长微信群等方式,告知学生与家长及时收看《开学第一课》。 9月2日,学校利用周五班会时间,统一安排各班,继续开展《开学第一课》主题班会,通过重播精彩片段,交流感想、讲革命故事、唱革命歌曲等环节,同学们再次受到心灵的洗礼,纷纷说:红军叔叔们四渡赤水、飞跃大渡河,翻雪山、过草地,都体现出他们在面对困难、险境时表现出的大无畏精神,对于我们学生,长征精神就是克服困难,永不放弃! 通过观看《开学第一课》,同学们深深的体会今天的幸福的生活来之不易,要对那些无私奉献的前辈们心怀感恩,要感谢我们的党,要继承革命传统,牢固树立为中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而奋斗的伟大理想,并为之努力奋斗!   the moment can not solve or do not have the conditions to solve, to explain, and report to the Bureau (. Ten) the existence of false statements of work in the situation. The outlook appears deviation, did not sink in the heart, in the investigation and management of security risks, fighting rule violations and other specific work, only the data that go up, the work has been done on the surface, good, so in the statistical data and submit the moment can not solve or do not have the conditions to solve, to explain, and report to the Bureau (. Ten) the existence of false statements of work in the situation. The outlook appears deviation, did not sink in the heart, in the investigation and management of security risks, fighting rule violations and other specific work, only the data that go up, the work has been done on the surface, good, so in the statistical data and submit the moment can not solve or do not have the conditions to solve, to explain, and report to the Bureau (. Ten) the existence of false statements of work in the situation. The outlook appears deviation, did not sink in the heart, in the investigation and management of security risks, fighting rule violations and other specific work, only the data that go up, the work has been done on the surface, good, so in the statistical data and submit


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