拯救家书 感恩亲情 写家书活动总结.doc

 拯救家书 感恩亲情 写家书活动总结.doc

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 拯救家书 感恩亲情 写家书活动总结

拯救家书,感恩亲情活动总结 “烽火连三月,家书抵万金”。杜甫在公元757年的吟唱穿越千年,经典的表达了家书在中国人情感生活中的重量。然而,在电话、手机、Email大行其道的“e时代”,谁人犹记“云中谁寄锦书来”的滋味?谁人犹记“乡书不可寄,秋雁又南回”的无奈? 在那些漂亮的信封、精美的信纸、美丽的邮票消失之前,在费孝通、季羡林、任继愈,文怀沙等数十位文化名人,向海内外炎黄子孙发出倡议“留住家书”的时候,政治与社会发展学院开展了主题为“拯救家书,感恩亲情”的活动。 经过一系列精心的筹备,活动于2012年11月24日顺利举行,参加本次活动的是本院全体学生,他们以一封家书的形式展现出了学生对亲情的感悟与感激。 活动主办方创造出宽松平等,自由的环境,同时免费向同学们提供信封,使同学们积极投入,发现自我,感恩亲情,感到述说与倾听的快乐,并通过书写表达和交流,贴近心灵,更加彻底深入地了解亲情的伟大与感人,更加自信,坚强而快乐地在成长的路上留下清晰的每一步。 本次活动也进一步加强了对我院学生的思想道德教育,培养了大学生良好的公民道德修养和道德情操,践行了社会主义荣辱观,促进大学生全面发展,帮助学生树立了责任意识,更加懂得回报父母、回报他人、回报社会,引导我院学生养成了抵制西方不良文化思潮和价值观念冲击的能力,培养他们成为社会主义事业合格建设者和接班人。同时也体现出抢救民间家书,传承家书文化,守护亲情家园,用亲情的力量维系家庭的和谐,共建和谐社会的重要价值。 ? ? ? ? ? ? 政治与社会发展学院 宣传部 长青藤文学社 2012年11月25日 ? ? ? ? the moment can not solve or do not have the conditions to solve, to explain, and report to the Bureau (. Ten) the existence of false statements of work in the situation. The outlook appears deviation, did not sink in the heart, in the investigation and management of security risks, fighting rule violations and other specific work, only the data that go up, the work has been done on the surface, good, so in the statistical data and submit the moment can not solve or do not have the conditions to solve, to explain, and report to the Bureau (. Ten) the existence of false statements of work in the situation. The outlook appears deviation, did not sink in the heart, in the investigation and management of security risks, fighting rule violations and other specific work, only the data that go up, the work has been done on the surface, good, so in the statistical data and submit the moment can not solve or do not have the conditions to solve, to explain, and report to the Bureau (. Ten) the existence of false statements of work in the situation. The outlook appears deviation, did not sink in the heart, in the investigation and management of security risks, fighting rule violations and other specific work, only the data that go up, the work has been done on the surface, good, so in th


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