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Contents 摘 要 i Abstract ii I. Introduction 1 II. The Advantages of Applying the Classical English Movie Lines to College Oral English Teaching 2 2.1 Creating a True English-spoken Environment 2 2.2 Improving the English Abilities 3 2.3 Improving Cross-culture Communication Competence 5 2.4 Brisking the Class Atmosphere 5 2.5 Introducing various Topics for Spoken English 7 2.6 Learning the Native English 7 2.7 Improving Teacher’s Professional Qualities 8 2.8 Riching Language Knowledge and Foreign Culture 8 III. Applications of Classical English Movie Lines to College Oral English Teaching 9 3.1 Improving Oral English by Imitating 10 3.2 Watching and Learning English Movies in Class 11 3.2.1 Pre-watching 11 3.2.2 While-watching 11 3.2.3 Post-watching 13 IV. Principles of Selecting the Classical English Movie Lines 13 4.1 Distinguishing the Teaching Objects to Select the Proper English Movies 14 4.2 Closing to Teaching Materials to Serve Teaching 15 4.3 Optimism Contents in English Movie 15 V. Conclusion 15 Bibliography 17 Acknowledgements 18 摘 要 英语电影在大学英语教学中的运用越来越普遍。电影台词是影片最重要的部分之一,其优点得到广泛认可。本文拟从英语口语的重要性和大学英语口语教学现状谈起,然后指出英文电影经典台词的特点及其优越性;进一步探讨英语经典台词在大学英语口语中的运用方式; 接着强调英文影片应该遵循的原则;最后得出结论: 英语电影学习法是一种有效的学习方式,对改进大学英语口语教学和提高大学生英语水平和交际能力有着重要意义和实际作用。 关键词:经典台词;大学英语;英语口语;运用 Abstract English movies have gained popularity in college English teaching. The actor lines are one of the most important parts of films and the advantages have been widely recognized. This paper will start with the significance of oral English and the present situation of college oral English teaching; then point out the features of classical English lines and discuss the advantages of classical English lines in college oral English teaching; it will further suggest the ways of applying classical English lines to oral English teaching and shift to the emphasis on the principles of choosing movies. Finally, this paper will come to the conclusion


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