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经济型数控车床典型故障诊断与维修中英文浅析 Analysis of English Economic CNC lathe typical fault diagnosis and repair. 电子技术的发展以及国内数控装置的发展使得数控装置的价格走低,特别是经济型数控车系统的价格已经是到达了它的最低点。经济型数控车床在中国的机械加工行业中得到了迅速普及,使得我国机械加工水平无论在加工质量方面还是在加工效率方面也得到了迅速提高。但是随着机床使用时间的延长,数控机床会出现这样或那样的故障,本文就以经济型数控机床的常见故障为例,谈了一些解决的办法。   一、换刀装置故障 The development of electronic technology and the development of domestic NC device makes the numerical control device for lower prices, especially the system of economical type NC car prices have reached its lowest point. Economic CNC lathe machinery processing industry in China has been rapidly in popularity, make our country mechanical processing level both in quality or in processing efficiency has also improved rapidly. But as time machine tool, CNC machine tools will be this or that kind of fault, the fault of economical NC machine tool as an example, talked about some solutions. One, change the knife device fault   数控车换刀一般的过程是:换刀电机接到换刀信号后,通过蜗轮蜗杆减速带动刀架旋转,由霍尔元件发出刀位信号,数控系统再利用这个信号与目标值进行比较以判断刀具是否到位。刀换到位后,电机反转缩紧刀架。在我维修数控车的过程中遇到了以下几个故障现象。 The process of NC tool change in general is: change the cutter motor received tool change signal, through the worm gear drives the turret rotation, the cutter location signal sent by Holzer element, numerical control system using this signal is compared with a target value to judge the tool is in place. Tool change in place, tighten the cutter motor reversal. In the process of NC lathe repair I encountered the following fault phenomenon.   故障一:一台四刀位数控车床,发生一号刀位找不到,其它刀位能正常换刀的故障现象。 Fault: a four cutter CNC lathe, a number of cutter cant find, fault phenomenon of other potential normal change knife knife.   故障分析:由于只有一号刀找不到刀位,可以排除机械传动方面的问题,确定就是电气方面的故障。可能是该刀位的霍尔元件及其周围线路出现问题,导致该刀位信号不能输送给PLC。对照电路图利用万用表检查后发现:1号刀位霍尔元件的24V供电正常,GND线路为正常,T1信号线正常。因此可以断定是霍尔元件损坏导致该刀位信号不能发出。 Fault analysis: because only one knife cant find the knife position, can eliminate the problem of mechanical transmission, is to determine an electrical fault. Holzer may be the element of t


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