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李辉英文说课稿 Ladies and gentlemen,Good morning. My name is Li Hui .I’m form Gaizhou. This lesson is fun with English Book 4 Unit 2 Lesson 8 the first class. I. contents: This lesson includes two parts: Listen,read and write and Learn to say. In section 1, it mainly deals with four words and the pattern about “What can you do ? I can do sth.” such as: What can you do ? I can swim. And in section 2,it provides a real situation for the students to practice the pattern: What can you do ? I can do sth .Can you do sth ? Yes ,I can. No ,I can’t. II. Teaching aims: 1.Aims on the knowledge (1).To help the students to remember the new words: swim , fly,jump,run. (2) To make the students to understand , speak and write: “What can you do? I can swim.” Make sure that the students can use the sentences in life. 2.Aims on the abilities: To use the sentences “Can you …? Yes,I can./No,I can’t.”to exchange in life.So that students can master the usage of modal verbs. 3.Aims on the emotion: To bring up students interest in learning English and cultivate the spirit of cooperative learning. Key-points of this lesson is to master the vocabulary fly, run, swim, jump in the pronunciation and the use of sentences . Difficult points is the pronunciation of fly, jump, cant and as well as writing sentences. Ⅲ .Saying that the process of teaching 为了完成以上教学任务,我设计了以下教学过程: In order to accomplish the above tasks of teaching, I have devised the following teaching process: (一)热身复习 (A) Warm-up review 1.师生问候,同唱歌曲。我用唱歌、绕口令、自由交谈等活动形式复习旧知识,为新知的呈现做铺垫。 I use song, chant, free talk and so on to review the old knowledge, in order to pave the way for the new knowledge . (二)新知呈现 (B) Products show Today ?well? learn? a? new? lesson .《Lesson ?8》(并板书课题)。这部分我分三个环节教学。 This part of the teaching I have three links. 1.词汇教学 2 、句型练习 3 、会话教学 Teaching Vocabulary 2. Sentence Practice 3. Teaching Dialogue 首先利用课件呈现本节所讲的单词 run. 。 1.Teaching Vocabulary First, to use the slide to show the word “run”. 并教学生拼读 run 。 And te


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