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构思时应注意的几个问题 (1) 构思应从全文着眼,从段落着手. (2)构思应从自己熟悉的实际出发. (3)构思时要灵活多样,不拘一格. 草拟提纲的重点: 段落的中心 发展方法 过度衔接 句型取舍等 检查时可从章、段、句、词四个层次入手 1)检查篇章的主题是否清楚? 2)检查段落是否有明确的主题? 3)句型是否多样化? 4)遣词用字得体与否? 4.??因果法 因果法是指按事物的因果关系发展段落.可以先把结果提出来, 然后解释其(多种)原因, 也可以先列出原因, 再说明其(多个)结果. (1). 先因后果 (2). 先果后因 (1). 先因后果 Since I have changed my curriculum to law enforcement, there have been amazing consequences. First of all, I am now interested in my courses. I am so interested, in fact, that I have done a lot of extra reading for the course. Also, my parents are much more involved with what I am doing in school since my father is a policeman. Finally, my grades have shown remarkable improvement. I expected better grades to result form the switch, but I never thought I would get all the A’s I have been getting. (2). 先果后因 Guiyou Restaurant is losing business for three major reasons. First, customers are staying away because of the unsanitary conditions in the restaurant. The tables are often messy and the floors dirty. In addition, the service is poor. The waiters and waitresses are generally slow and unfriendly. The waiters and waitresses wear uniforms. Most important of all, customers are not pleased with the food at Guiyou Restaurant. The meals are of poor quality and overpriced. 5.分类法 分类,即将某一复杂的事物分拆开来,根据性质、形态、成因功能等属性的差别分成若干类,然后逐一进行说明. Chinese food can be classified into four types: northern, coastal, inland and southern. Northern Chinese food is light and delicate. Beijing duck is an example of a northern specialty. Coastal food contains a lot of soy sauce and sugar, soy sauce chicken is typical of this area. Most inland food is very spicy and contains hot pepper. Kang-pao chicken, for example, is found in the inland area. Food from the southern area is often stir-fried and contains highly concentrated chicken broth. 6.时间顺序 How to make a telephone call? First, you lift the telephone receiver. Then, you listen for the dial tone. Next, you dial the number you want.


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