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教学目标   教学目标与要点   1.掌握本单元的有关栽树的方法、程序以及一些有关植树的日常用语和句式。如:The more, the better. It’s best to do sth 等。   2.掌握本单元的词汇,特别是短语so that, beep… from…, thanks to, more or less等的用法。   3.掌握含有情态动词被动语态的构成形式及其肯定、否定和疑问形式。同时还要学会英语中关于长、宽、高、深等的表达方式。   4.学会写notice,要注意它的格式和组成部分。可参考Lesson 44。   5.认真学习“The Great Green Wall”,理解它的重要性,进一步确立Work hard to make our world more beautiful!的观念。   教材内容分析   本单元围绕“植树”这个话题,学习和了解植树的重要性及如何栽树。课文“The Great Green Wall”讲述了森林对人类的重大作用。通过学习课文和对话,进一步复习、归纳了被动语态的用法,重点学习了含有情态动词的被动语态的构成,讲述了英语中长、宽、高的表示方法,学习了一些常用词汇和日常交际用语及重点句式:The more, the better;教会了我们如何书写notice。 Lesson 41 Properties: Recorder; Overhead Projector; Pictures Teaching Objectives:   1. Learn how to plant a tree.   2. Learn some useful expressions. Language Focus:   neither…nor, tie…to, must, should. Teaching Procedures:  I. Showing the teaching aims  II. Revision   Check homework. Read some perfect writing to the class.  III .Leading in   T: There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. Most people like spring. Because we can see trees and flowers. Tomorrow is Tree Planting Day. It’s March 12 tomorrow. So what is happening tomorrow? Lets listen to the tape, try to find the answer.   Get the students to read the dialogue and repeat after the cassette. Then let the students practise the dialogue in pairs.  IV. Teaching Reading   Just let the students understand the reading, do not pay more attention to the new knowledge. Look at the books, read the instructions with the whole class. Explain: just right, neither.. .nor   Read the passage “How To Plant A Tree” and answer the questions at the bottom of the page with the whole class.   The answers are: 1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T 6.F 7.T  V. Practice   Get the students to listen to the reading. Then read after the tape, ask the class to read it by themselves. Choose some of them to read in class.  VI. Teaching Language Focus   Remind the students of instructions using “must” and “should”. Draw this table on the blackboard.   The earth shoul


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