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1 Before listening to the story look at the pictures below. Write underneath each picture what is happening in what ways can messages be sent to people far away? Picture 1: Smoke signals on the Great Wall to warn of invasion. Picture 2: A massage in a bottle in the ocean. Picture 3: A man sending a homing pigeon to its home with a message tied to its leg. Now listen to the tape and write down in one sentence how the hero of the story sent his message miles away. Synonyms as well as well as one after another Foolish hopeless 1 She promised to buy her mother tickets to see the gymnastics at the 2008 Beijing Olympics and also provide her with accommodation and transport. Gradually the volunteers joined up to help the visitors at the Olympic Games. 3 A:“We plan to take our children to the theatre this weekend.” B:“Great!” A:“We are looking forward to seeing you at the magical show too .” B:“You certainly will!” 4 Winning the race against Atlanta seemed impossible to Hippomenes until he got help from the goddess,Athene. 5 Did Atlanta feel silly when she lost her race against Hippomenes? Translation 1 只有在希腊出生的人才能成为古代奥运会的参赛者。(ancient;Greece;admit;competitor) Only those who were born in Greece could be admitted as competitors in the ancient Olympic Games. 2 运动员们一个接一个地离开了奥运村。(one after another) One after another the athletes left the Olympic village. 3 他和儿子讨价还价后答应他:如果孩子努力学习,他就会带他去看2008年的北京奥运会。(bargain;promise) He made a bargain with his son and promised him that he would take him to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games if he worked hard. 4 有许多运动员虽然没有为自己赢得奥运奖牌的荣誉,却以运动家的精神帮助别人实现了这个梦想。(athlete; glory; medal; sportsmanship) There are many athletes who did not win the glory of an Olympic medal for themselves, but helped others to realize their dream by their sportsmanship. 5 志愿者将帮助人们找到前往体操馆和体育场的正确的路。(volunteer;gymnasium;stadium) Volunteers will help people find their way to the gymnasia/gymnasiums and stadia/ stadiums. Complete the anno


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