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我国高新技术企业薪酬制度管理研究 Chinas high-tech enterprise management pay system 学生姓名: 指导教师: 所在院系: 所学专业:工商管理 研究方向:工商管理 * * * * * * 大 学 2010 年 4 月 摘要 薪酬是指企业以货币形式支付给员工的各种劳动报酬及相关收入它是企业对它的员工为企业所做贡献而给予的相应回报是调动企业员工积极性的重要手段也是企业经营成本的重要组成部分本研究报告在深入调研的基础上,薪酬管理中存在的问题,分析原因,提出对策,对政府主管部门、出资人和有参考价值,对深化我省薪酬制度改革、强化国有企业财务监督,理顺分配关系,提高企业竞争力有现实指导意义。 Chinas High-tech Enterprise Management Pay System Abstract Lose pay here is the form of an enterprise in money paid to employees as remuneration and the various labor-related income, which is its contribution to employees for the enterprise and to give the corresponding return on the mobilization of employees is an important means of enthusiasm, the operating costs of enterprises is an important part of.Pay system in relation to employees for business development can make its greatest contribution to an important weight, science can pay system the rapid development of enterprises, in an increasingly competitive today, companies to develop, it is necessary to have a reliable shape of the team and the talent, so that the enterprise was found talents, enterprises retain talent and enhance the talent. The reasonableness of the remuneration system and the fairness of the initiative for the employees to play an important role by, but also indicate a direction for the future development of enterprises and end-result! The present study in-depth research on the basis of studies of state-owned enterprises in our province pay the management of the main problems, analyze the causes and to propose a solution for government departments, state-owned enterprises and state-owned enterprises financed useful for deepening our province pay system reform of state-owned enterprises, strengthening financial supervision of state-owned enterprises, rationalize the distribution relations, and enhance the competitiveness of guiding significance to the reality. Key words: Pay system; High-tech enterprises; the scientific nature; 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 1


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