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SPRING FESTVIAL New Year celebrations is a grand event of China. New Year festivities lasts for one month in China. Chinese New Year is also called Spring festival. It begins from the middle of the last month of the year and ends up in the first month of the new year. These last day celebrations in China is called Lantern Festival. 年初一:祭拜天地 Day1: People began their day by offering prayers and welcome the gods of heaven and earth. Most of the people stay away from meat to ensure healthy living 年初二:狗狗过生日 初三初四:走亲访友,媳妇回娘家 Day3 and 4: These are very important days for the families to keep up their relations. It calls for every son-in-law to pay respect to their parents-in-law.   年初五:“破五”祭财神 Day5: According to the traditions, nobody visits friends and relatives houses as it would bring bad omen. They stay back home to worship the God of wealth. The day is called Po Woo. 年初六:百无禁忌,出门活动筋  Day6: On this day, people freely meet their near and dear ones and even visit nearby temples to pray for their well being and high spirits 年初七:吃面条,祝长寿  Day 7: This is Chinese farmers day. They display their backbreaking produce. They also prepare a drink from seven different types of vegetables. On this day, everybody eats noodles which is a symbol of long life and fish representing success. 年初八:凌晨拜天公 初十、十一、十二、十三:大吃大喝,最后记得回归清淡 年十四:准备闹元宵 年十五:吃元宵看灯火 Day 14: People start preparing for the celebration of Lantern Festival to be held on next day. Day 15: Since it is the first night to see full moon, people hang out colorful lanterns, eat glutinous rice balls and enjoy the day with their families. Thank You * * Day2:Successively, prayers are offer to their ancestors and other gods. Chinese are strict care-taker of dogs and feed them well. This is day is the birthday of all dogs.  Day8: Its an other day to be celebrated with the family and friends. They also offer midnight prayers to Tian Gong, the God of Heaven.  年初九:玉皇大帝登场  Day 9: Prayers are offered to Jade Emper


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