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Plastic SHOPPING BAGS2015.01.26 购物袋Shopping bags以袋子材质不同可分为:塑料袋类;纸、纸基类;无纺布类;棉麻类等。With different materials, bags can be divided into: plastic bags; paper, paper base; non woven fabrics; cotton etc.以袋子的结构不同分为两型:提手型;无提手型With different structures, bags can be divided into two types: handle type; no-handle type.以袋子的设计分类可分为:广告型;知识型;礼品型;纪念型;简易型;趋时型;环保型。With different designs, bags can be divided into: advertising; knowledge; gifts; memorial; simple; fashion; environmental protection.目录塑料购物袋的分类Classification of plastic shopping bags塑料购物袋的测试要求Test requirements of Plastic shopping bags 塑料购物袋的测试方法Test methods of Plastic shopping bags 塑料购物袋Plastic shopping bags-- GB T 21660-2008 GB T 21661-2008 GB T 21662-2008塑料购物袋的分类 ?Classification of plastic shopping bags塑料购物袋 Plastic shopping bags 以树脂为主要原料制得的,在销售、服务等场所用于盛装及携提商品的袋制品。 This kind of shopping bags is made of resin as the main raw material which used in the sales, service and other places for holding and carrying goods.淀粉基塑料购物袋 Starch-based plastic shopping bags 此类购物袋以改性淀粉为主要原料,适当添加少量其它可降解材料以改善其性能,且淀粉含量不小于15%。该塑料购物袋使用后抛弃在野外可自然降解。 This kind of shopping bags is made of modified starch which is no less than 15% as the main raw material by appropriately adding small amount of other biodegradable materials to improve its capability. It can be naturally degraded after being used and abandoned in the field.降解塑料购物袋 Degradable plastic shopping bags 此类购物袋以可完全降解塑料为原料生产,具有完全降解性能。在自然界如土壤或沙土等条件下,或特定条件如堆肥化或厌氧消化条件下或水性培养液中,有自然界存在的微生物作用引起的降解,并最终完全降解变成二氧化碳、甲烷、水及其所含元素的矿化无机盐及新的生物质。 This kind of shopping bags is made of complete degradable plastics as raw material with complete degradation performance. There will be degradation caused by?the?action of microorganisms?in nature under conditions such as soil , sandy soil or specific conditions such as composting or anaerobic digestion or in aqueous medium. And eventually completely degraded into carbon dioxide, methane, water, mineralized inorganic salts of contained elements and new biomass.塑料购物袋的测试


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