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颈静脉孔的应用解剖 陈立华 CHINA-INI 颈静脉孔由颞骨岩部和枕骨颈突围成。颞骨和枕骨向孔内的突起分别被称为颞突和枕突,二者以纤维或骨桥连接,构成孔内神经和血管的分隔。由颞突下方沿颈静脉球内侧缘伸向后方的骨性隆起称为颈内嵴,舌咽神经行于其内侧。 颈静脉孔为一自颅后窝通向前、外、下方的骨性管道 。 颈静脉管(jugular canal)。 osseous relationships, posterosuperior view. The jugular foramen is best seen in a posterosuperior view oriented perpendicular to the clivus. the jugular foramen is located between the temporal and occipital bones sigmoid groove descends along the mastoid and crosses the occipitomastoid suture , turns forward on the upper surface of the jugular process , enters the foramen from posterior and superior shows the shape of the foramen hypoglossal canal passes above the middle third of the occipital condyle and opens laterally into the interval between the jugular foramen and carotid canal stylomastoid foramen is located lateral and the anterior half of the occipital condyle medial to the jugular foramen anterior and backward reveals the shape of the jugular foramen larger lateral part, the sigmoid part, which receives the drainage of the sigmoid sinus, and a smaller medial part, the petrosal part, which receives the drainage of the inferior petrosal sinus enlarged view intrajugular process projects into the interval between the sigmoid and petrosal parts of the foramen intrajugular ridge, extends forward from the intrajugular process along the medial side of the jugular bulb cochlear aqueduct opens above the petrosal part of the foramen , where the glossopharyngeal nerve enters the intrajugular part of the foramen on the medial side of the intrajugular process. the vestibular aqueduct opens onto the posterior surface of the temporal bone superolateral to the jugular foramen The inferior petrosal sinus extends along the petroclival fissure and enters the petrosal part of the foramen posterosuperior view of the intrajugular process and ridge, which separate the sigmoid and petrosal parts of the jugular foramen Rembrandt van Rijn (Dutch, 1606-1669). This painting is called The Anatomy L


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