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临沂国际旅行社Linyi international travel agency 沂蒙路330号 0539-8201678 临沂天马旅行社Linyi tianma travel agency 沂蒙路206号 0539-8109028 临沂市山水旅行社 Linyi landscape travel agency 兰山区临西一路182 (0539)8201201 临沂市中国旅行社Linyi China travel agency 金雀山路139号 (0539)8308448 临沂市主要旅游景点 盛能游乐园 amusement park shengneng 盛能游乐园 amusement park shengneng 简介:门票为20元,里面的项目另外收费。酒店到此30分钟到40分钟 盛能游乐园主要景点有:动物园、百鸟园、百花园、生态园酒店、中国历代尺牍石刻艺术馆、采摘园、儿童乐园、水上乐园  狮子骑马、山羊登花瓶、小猴子羊角倒立、人骑鸵鸟 Amusement park main attractions: the zoo, BaiDiaoYuan, gardens, ecology garden hotel, the Chinese letters stone carving art museum . Picking park, childrens park, water park on horseback, goats on the lion vase, little monkey horns handstand, ride on the owls . 娱乐设施Entertainment facilities 自控飞机、章鱼、高空自行车、滑行龙、海盗船、海豚戏水、激流勇进、卡丁车、立环跑车、摩天轮、时代战车、旋转木马 Control the plane, octopus, high altitude bicycle, slide the dragon, pirate ships, dolphin paddle, stream into, go-kart, made brave ring sports car, a ferris wheel, merry-go-round chariots and times 市内乘坐19路、25、61、62、68、69路公交车可达?? On the road, 25, 19 61, 62, 68, 69 buses can reach 地址:双月园北路与通达路交汇处东行500米 电话:0539-8592069 王羲之故居 Wang xizhis former residence 王羲之故居 Wang xizhis former residence 简介: 门票:30元 开放时间: 夏季8:00-18:30;冬季8:00-16:00 距离酒店约2.1公里/7分钟 为古典园林式建筑,占地约5亩。传说,王羲之幼年时刻苦练字后即到池中洗刷砚台,长时间后以至于池水呈墨色,于是人们名曰“洗砚池”。修缮一新的洗砚池、晒书台、鹅池、禊亭等遗迹,可一窥当时王宅的模样。新建的晋墨斋、书法展室和百米长的书法碑廊,可使欣赏到书圣的手迹、碑帖以及当代南北大家不同风格的书法作品。 For a classical garden building, covering an area of about five acres. Legend, wang xizhi youth calls after word that moment to pool washing stone, long time that a process of water, so people called wash YanChi. A new washing YanChi repair, sun book platform, goose pool, an pavilions remains, but a look at that time WangZhai shape. The new jin lent, calligraphy ink and meters long while calligraphy BeiLang, can make the appreciation to the script of the holy book, eager to learn, and contemporary north a


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