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声明: 考试吧(E) 收集整理,转载请注明出自 服务:面向较高学历人群,提供计算机类,外语类,学历类,资格类,会计类,工程类,医学类等七大类考试的全套考试信息服务及考前培训. BEC高级精讲班第13讲讲义 Homeworkreview I. Homework review mentality noun[countable] plural mentalities a particular attitude or way of thinking, especially one that you think is wrong or stupid 思维,理念 a get-rich-quick mentality 迅速致富的想法 I can't understand the mentality of the people who are behind this kind of violence. 我不能理解那些制造暴乱的人们的想法。 ? ethical adjective [no comparative] 1 relating to principles of what is right and wrong 道德的 synonym moral ethical issues/questions/problems The use of animals in scientific tests raises difficult ethical questions. 用动物做科学实验引起了非常困难的道德问题。 The president must have the highest ethical standards. 总统必须是具有高度道德标准的人。 2 morally good or correct合乎道德标准的 unethical I don't think it’s ethical for you to accept a job you know you can't do. 我认为对于你来说,接受这份你很清楚不能胜任的工作是不道德的行为。 ethical investment policies 符合道德标准的投资政策 (=investing only in businesses that are considered morally acceptable) ethically adverb ? tactic noun [countable] 1 a method that you use to achieve something 达成目的方法 a tactic employed to speed up the peace process 加速和平进程的方法 Republicans accuse Democrats of using delaying tactics (=something you do in order to give yourself more time) to prevent a final vote on the bill. 共和党人指责民主党使用拖延战术阻止对该法案进行投票表决。 Shock tactics are being used in an attempt to stop drink drivers. 惊吓的方法被用来制止那些酒后驾车的司机。 2 tactics [plural] the science of arranging and moving military forces in a battle 军事术语:战术 ? ???????? five reviews of business books ? ???????? ? 1. The will to succeed is the most important factor in success. 2. People in different jobs and positions can all learn how to make other people change their minds. 3. Not all good ideas involve spending a lot of money. 4. Even when times are hard, growth is not impossible. 5. You can achieve more than people think you can. 6. You can get what you want in business, without lowering your moral standards. 7. Im



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