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Introduction/简介 The deviation of a vehicle from a specified centre line can be measured with a VBOX to an accuracy of between 1 and 2cm (over a 30 second time period). 我们可以通过VBox可以测量出汽车与某规定的中心线的偏移量,VBox的测量精度可以达到1~2cm(在30秒内) Applications/应用范围 Measuring side wind susceptibility 测量侧向风影响 Measuring vehicle deviation (with no steering input) 测量车辆的跑偏量(没有转向输入) Measuring vehicle deviation during brake stops 测量车辆制动时的跑偏量 Measuring vehicle deviation during lane change tests (Electronic stability control, FMVSS126) 测量车辆变道测试中的跑偏量(电子稳定性控制,FMVSS126) Theory/原理 The VBOX measures Velocity and Heading to a high accuracy, these measured data channels are then used to determine a lateral deviation from a specified track heading at every sample using simple geometric theories. This calculated deviation (lateral displacement) is an accumulative distance measurement, so the accuracy is at its most accurate when measured over short periods of time. This accuracy will be between 1 and 2cm over a 30 second time period, (given optimum test track and satellite conditions). VBox可以精确测量速度和航向角,这些测量的数据通道在每次采样中通过简单的几何原理计算就可用于确定相对于指定的轨道航向角的横向偏移量。计算出的偏移量(横向位移)是一个累计距离测量,因此在一段较短的时间内,其测量最为精确。在30秒内测量结果偏差约为1~2cm(在较合适的测试轨迹道及卫星信号条件下) Suitable Equipment/仪器选择 VBOXIII VBOX2SX 20Hz and 10Hz VBOX20SL VBOX20SL3 VBOXMini NOTE: The VBOXIII 100Hz is recommended for measurement of centre line deviation in high dynamic manoeuvres such as Lane Change tests. 注:VBoxIII100 Hz比较适合在高动态操控的状态下测量中心线偏移量,例如变道测试。 Test Setup /实验设置 Place the magnetic GPS Aerial on the roof of the test vehicle and run the cable into the vehicle through the door seal. Connect the aerial cable to the VBOX ensuring the connection is free from dirt. Connect power to the VBOX using the cigar lighter adaptor or a battery pack. 将带磁性的GPS天线置于测试车辆的顶部,将电缆穿过车门的密封条。将天线的电缆与VBox连接好,请确认连接处没有脏物。通过点烟器适配器或电池组给VBOX供电。 Insert an empty compact flash or SD card into the memory card slot of the VBOX. The hand held brake trigger should be connected to the digital


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