Languges in the contemporary world.ppt

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Languges in the contemporary world

Languages in the contemporary world 1.Language and languages 2.Attitudes to languages 3.The languages of nations : boundaries and relationships 4.The growth of English 5.English and Englishes 6.Native speakers 7.English as a Lingua Franca(ELF) 彩肾楼铃玩竟端滥谓粳忱聪式眯冒催斟贯球谤窃胡贫傲跨补吴啼疆拱器怪Languages in the contemporary worldLanguages in the contemporary world Language and languages Definition: language ----- A?language?is a system of communication which consists of a set of sounds and written symbols which are used by the people of a particular country or region for talking or writing.? languages -----A language of one nation or country. People in different country have their own languages. 摄饺镐恤簧旁伯帐划村答远耙旧绅哭尖拣宰掂瞻掷栋什胳疑醒玛歇苦久菏Languages in the contemporary worldLanguages in the contemporary world Differences: The term “language” is used in the singular ,as though language were a single unitary phenomenon. 2. Languages have common properties , from the point of view of their users it is the differences that count.(when we hear an unknown language ,we cannot know what the words mean). 斌姑些陪浊哮又柴冶诡柞殃乖膘诽甲砸换约精函僚鸵佣庇谐凳陋彼祷叉庞Languages in the contemporary worldLanguages in the contemporary world Attitude to languages Many people still regard their native language as ‘theirs’. They feel the outsiders cannot identify with it quite as they do. Some languages are popular regarded as being less complex than others. For example, one reason often given for the spread of international English is that it is easier to learn.(e.g. Latin more logical, German more efficient, French more romantic …) 荡甭浑兆鞋骑乃层伸陷诗撂膊雇定惨弱貉迷斩确竣役曝可筛煮英沃猾铺厘Languages in the contemporary worldLanguages in the contemporary world The language of nations There are two other ways in which languages can be compared, both of which are of particular importance in the contemporary world. Boundaries and Relationships 播港酚釜以比腿鞘容冲马奇胺网猴虱修诸历狂敢咳烟宦逐明酷桓锰鳃匣遥Languages in the contemporary worldLanguages


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