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第一页 Everything in “” is to be replaced, ex: fileName -- iLovePeanuts.txt 所有在“”中的都会被取代,例如:文件名—— ilovepeanuts.txt Dont include the = in your commands .. means that more than one file can be affected with only one command ex: rm file.txt file2.txt .. .. 不包括 = 在你的命令中 “..”是指一个以上的文件可被一个命令影响,例如:RM file2.txt file.txt 第二页 基本终端的快捷方式(Basic Terminal Shortcuts ) Ctrl L =Clear the terminal 清除终端 Ctrl D =Logout 注销 SHIFT Page Up/Down = Go up/down the terminal 移动网页上/下=上/下终端 Ctrl A =Cursor to start of line 光标行开始 CTRL E =Cursor the end of line 游标的行结束 ctrl U =Delete left of the cursor 删除光标左边内容 ctrl K =Delete right of the cursor 删除光标右边内容 Ctrl W =Delete word on the left 删除留言 Ctrl Y =Paste (after CTRL U,K or W) 粘贴(按Ctrl U,K或W之后) TAB = auto completion of file or command 标签 =文件或命令自动完成 CTRL R = reverse search history 反向搜索历史 !!=repeat last command 重复上一命令 CTRL Z =stops the current command (resume with fg in foreground or bg in background) 停止当前的命令(恢复在前景或背景) 基本终端导航(Basic Terminal Navigation) Ls -a =list all files and folders 列出所有文件和文件夹 ls<foldername =list files in folder 列出文件夹中的文件 ls—lh =Detailed list, Human readable 清单,可读的 ls—l*.JPG =list jpeg files only JPEG文件列表 ls -lh fileName = Result for file onlyls 结果文件 cd foldername =change directory 改变目录 if folder name has spaces use “ “ 如果文件夹名称空间使用 cd / =go to root 回到根目录 cd.. =go up one folder, tip: ../../../ 返回上一个文件夹,提示:../../../ Du -h:Disk usage of folders, human readable 磁盘文件夹的使用,可读的 du -ah: files folders, Human readable 文件和文件夹,可读的 du -sh:only show disc usage of folders 只显示文件夹的盘使用 pwd =print working directory 显示工作目录的路径 man command =shows manual (RTFM) 说明手册(RTFM) 基本的文件操作(Basic file manipulation) cat文件名 =show content of file 显示内容的文件 (less, more)(少,更多) head =from the top 从顶部 -n #oflines fileName tail =from the bottom 从底部 -n #oflines fileName mkdir = create new folder 创建目录,创建新的文件夹 mkdir myStuff .. 创建目录的状态.. mkdir myStuff/p


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