Unit Topic 2 Secion C 第2课时 (总第6课时).ppt

Unit Topic 2 Secion C 第2课时 (总第6课时).ppt

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Unit Topic 2 Secion C 第2课时 (总第6课时)

八年级英语下 主备人:马婷 授课人:马婷 议课时间: 授课时间:第周第5课时 毕根隧抓窄坪疽谐航慢鸭发藐遏椎梅绥长奈团苞沦屎轻莉群堪真怀脉瑟层Unit 6 Topic 2 Secion C 第2课时 (总第6课时)Unit 6 Topic 2 Secion C 第2课时 (总第6课时) Learning aims 1’ 1. Review new words and expressions: be full of, tour, space, push, direction, step, beside, experience 2.Write about our own travel experience. 煽琴灵髓屁煮沿酱吠芦鹊乙辛徒邦枉渔至她罐凤私阀糟腋贪生成楼歇蹦顽Unit 6 Topic 2 Secion C 第2课时 (总第6课时)Unit 6 Topic 2 Secion C 第2课时 (总第6课时) 1. bicycle [ba?s?kl] 2. crowd [kra?d]? 3. tour [t?r] 4. space [spe?s]? 5. push [p??]? 6. direction [d??rek?n] 7. step [step]? 8. slowly [sl??l?]? 9. beside [b?sa?d] 10. sadly [s?dl?] 11.experience [?ksp?r??ns] 12. be full of 13. as soon as 1. n. 自行车 2. n. 人群 3. n. 旅游,旅行;观光 4. n. 空间;空地 5. vn.推 6. n. 方向,方位 7. v n. 踩;走;台阶 8. adv. 缓慢地;慢速地 9. prep. 在……旁边 10. adv. 悲伤地,伤心地 11. n. 经历;经验 12. 满的,满是……的 13. 一……就…… Task 1: Review the new words Guide: Read and memorize the new words. 4’ Check 2 渐砖伞拇鬼贞恼藉粒麻醋基室逸樊褥锄之稠拆托疹敖增抬省拯社违莲刁癌Unit 6 Topic 2 Secion C 第2课时 (总第6课时)Unit 6 Topic 2 Secion C 第2课时 (总第6课时) Kangkang, Michael and Darren rode to Tian’anmen Square together. _______ they parked their bikes, they walked to Tian’anmen Square. _______ they were enjoying exploring, the crowd of people became larger and larger. __________ the crowd was pushing Darren in all directions, someone stepped on his feet. _______ Darren finally pushed his way out, he couldn’t find his two friends. He was frightened and sat down on a step. He didn’t raise his head _______ Kangkang called his name. __________ they saw each other, they all jumped around happily. Guide1: Fill in the blanks with the conjunctions in the box based on 1a. 4’ after as until when while as soon as After As While/When When until As soon as Task2. Finish part 2 Check: 2’ 翻苏浅授仲


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