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1.The symbol making the declination of the British Empire is A World War II B the Suez Canal Crisis C The independence of British Colonies D The establishment of the Commonwealth B the Suez Canal Crisis It was an offensive war fought by France and the UK against Egypt . The UK defeated in the war, and it was the symbol making the declination of the British Empire A 二战削弱了英国的势力 C 英属殖民地独立The independence of British Colonies和 D 建立共同体 The establishment of the Commonwealth是英国衰落的表现(indications) 2 ______ is the American president during The Great Depression who proposed New Deal A Herbert Hoover B Woodrow Wilson C Franklin D. Roosevelt D Abraham Lincoln C Franklin D. Roosevelt 1932年,罗斯福当选总统, 实施了一系列旨在克服危机的政治措施,历史上被称为 “新政” (New Deal) A Herbert Hoover 赫伯特 胡佛, 罗斯福的上一任美国总统 B Woodrow Wilson 伍德罗 威尔逊 为第一次世界大战时期的美国总统 D Abraham Lincoln 亚伯拉罕 林肯 为美国内战时期的总统 3 Which of the following sports originated from Scotland A Golf B Football C Basketball D Tennis A 高尔夫球起源于苏格兰,出现于17世纪 B 足球的老家在英格兰, 出现于19世纪 C 篮球1891起源于美国的马塞诸塞州(Massachusetts ) D 网球起源于19世纪的英格兰 4 The second largest racial and ethnic group in the US is A the White B the Hispanics C Chinese D the Blacks B the Hispanics 西裔(说西班牙语Spanish的中南美洲移民后裔) 约3.9M人,是美国第二大种族 A the White 白人占美国人口的2/3,是美国最大的种族 C Chinese 华人约为2.8M人 D the Blacks 非裔约为3.7M人 5 _____ is the first weekday after Christmas, a legal holiday in the UK, Australia and New Zealand A Thanksgiving Day B Boxing Day C Easter D Veteran’s Day B Boxing Day 节礼日为英国法定假日,时间为圣诞节的次日. 这一天,人们通常会向邮差或雇员赠送盒装礼物 A Thanksgiving Day 感恩节是每年11月的最后一个星期四,主题是丰收 C Easter 复活节是春分(the Spring Equinox)后第一次月圆后的第一个星期天,是基督教徒庆祝耶稣复活(resurrection)的宗教节日 D Veteran’s Day 是美国的退伍军人节, 时间是每年的11月11日 6 The world’s largest freshwater lake is Lake A Superior B Ontario C Huron D Michigan 7 In the 1960s, _____ became world famous and turned their hometown of Liverpool into a place of pilgrimage A the Beach Boys B the Rolling Stone C the Animals D the Beatles D In the 1960s, the Beatles became world famous and turned their



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