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老婆刚拿到6个月的探亲签证,非常感谢板上的网友们的热心帮助,特此把申请的材料和部分心得跟大家分享! ? ? 背景:我们去年7月结的婚。我是国家公派来加拿大读Ph.D,今年8月底刚到加拿大,学签的申请是DIY的。老婆在青岛工作,收入水平一般。我老婆申请11月底到1月中旬来探亲,理由是圣诞节和她的生日,10月12号北京VAC递签,13号晚上查VAC网站显示“护照已寄出”。当时还很担心,因为快的让人反应不过来;15号收到快递,惊喜签证通过! ? ? 下面把相关的材料贴出来(个人信息已用XXX代替): Document Checklist 1. One completed forms of “Application fora Temporary Resident Visa” (IMM 5257); 申请表 2. One completed “Family Composition Information form and Details of Education and Employment” form; 家属及教育情况表 3. Three visa-sized photos of the applicant with name and birth day on the back; 三张签证照片 4. The original and valid passport for the applicant; 护照原件 5. Two self-addressed adhesive labels with applicant’s current address in Chinese characters; 地址贴纸 6. Applicant’s letter; 申请人给签证官的信 7. Applicant’s notarized employment letter granting a leave of absence, which including applicant’s name, positionand current salary; 准假信公证件(必须有:姓名、职位、收入,假期长度) 8. Applicant’s original Certificate of Deposit with RMB XXX and an explanation of the sources of funds; 定期存款存单和资金来源解释 9. Applicant’s notarized bank account listings over several months; 申请人的银行交易明细公证件 10. Notarized bank account listings of applicant’s father over several months; 申请人父亲的银行交易明细公证件 11. Notarized income certificate of applicant’s father; 申请人父亲的收入证明公证件 12. Notarized copy of house property certificate of applicant’s mother; 申请人母亲房产证公证件 13. Supporting letter from applicant’s parents; 申请人父母的支持信 14. Notarized copy of certificate of marriage; 结婚证公证 15. Proofs of the long-term relationship with the inviter (including selected call and SMS lists, chatting history by QQsoftware, selected written letter from my husband); 电话短信清单,QQ聊天记录,手写的信 16. Photos with my husband and our family; 生活照 17. The invitation letter; 邀请信 18. A list showing the number and information of people in inviter’s household; 邀请人住房内人员信息 19. One photocopy of the lease between the inviter and the landlord; 邀请人租房的合同 20. One photocopy of inviter’s passport; 邀请人护照复印件 21. One photocopy of the inviter’s visa an


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