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ISA 77.22 – Working Copy Table of Contents 1.0 Scope 1 2.0 Purpose 1 3.0 Definitions 2 4.0 Concepts 3 5.0 Symbols 3 6.0 Block Definitions 3 6.1 Drives: 3 6.1.1 Motor Control (Single speed, maintained control output) 3 6.1.2 MOV (open/close operation, momentary output) 3 6.2 The Group Control Blocks 3 6.2.1 Two Device Controller 3 6.2.2 Three Device Controller 3 7.0 Sequence Controller 3 8.0 Plant Automation 3 Annex A - References 3 Annex B – Tutorial Information 3 Annex C - Figures 3 Annex D – Application Examples 3 Annex E – Plant configuration 3 Annex F – Notes – Start-up Sequence 3 Outline of 77.22 Notes: This outline follows the general format of other 77 series documents for consistency. Preface and credits to follow the same format. I’m not sure why the Figures are at the back in Annex C. I would have thought it more convenient for the reader to have these imbedded in the text for more ready reference. Is there a reason for not imbedding the Figures? CONTENTS Scope This technical report provides guidance in the design and application of automation strategies for plants with fuel input ratings of 25 MW thermal or greater. This technical report addresses the terminology, documentation, and related methodology for developing automation strategies. Purpose The purpose of this technical report is to provide advice and guidance for the development of fossil power plant automation. Definitions …definitions go here; I have taken a first attempt at a few… INTERLOCKS are also signals acting to protect equipment from damage, to prevent unsafe operation, to prevent process upset, or any combination of these. What differentiates them from trips is that the actions do not shut down the equipment or process in question. The process or equipment is protected by other means. INTERLOCKS are subdivided into two types: permissive and corrective. These terms are analogous to “passive and active” sometimes used by others. PERMISSIVE INTERLOCKS p


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