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结论 Furthermore, the present study demonstrates that, in contrast to low temperature, storage at room temperature decreases the fructose and sucrose concentrations of tubers, whilst accumulation of proline appears to be a general feature of stored tubers. 另外,目前的研究证明,与贮藏在低温相比,贮藏在室温下,可减少果糖和蔗糖,同时提高块茎中的脯氨酸浓度。 19 结论 The metabolite composition of the tubers of each cultivar, except S, was significantly different at each time point, irrespective of the length of dormancy. 20 结论 Somogyi kifli is the only cultivar amongst those tested that belongs to the A (firm cooking) category and has no wild Solanum genes introgressed into its genome. Thus, we speculate that a relatively stable metabolite composition may be a characteristic feature of the A cooking type potatoes or of cultivars with a pure S. tuberosum origin. S品种是唯一由A烹饪方式并且没有任何野生型马铃薯基因渗入的基因型,所以我们可以推测相对稳定的代谢物组分可能与A烹饪方式或纯S品种栽培有关。 21 22 A GC–MS-based metabolomics study on the tubers of commercial potato cultivars upon storage 以气相色谱-质谱联用仪为基础研究商业马铃薯品种的块茎在贮藏中的代谢组学。 色谱分析 汇报人:崔伟斌 1 文献重点 1:六个商业马铃薯品种的块茎的代谢物的分析。 2:样品的块茎从采样到发芽,一直存储在室温下。 3:通过PCA分析,将新鲜品种的块茎从其他品种中分离出来。 4:贮藏降低糖型,增加脯氨酸块茎含量。 5:GC-MS作为一个系统,测定氨基酸,有机酸,糖,糖醇和脂肪酸。 2 摘要 使用GC-MS作为一个系统,测定氨基酸,有机酸,糖,糖醇和脂肪酸。我们通过不同的谱系,淀粉含量,烹饪方式,休眠期以及五个不同发展阶段来描述六个商业马铃薯品种。块茎储存在20-22℃的黑夜里。代谢物的数据进行主成分分析。新鲜块茎的代谢物含量与品种的淀粉含量或烹饪方式被测出没有相关性。存储降低果糖和蔗糖,并提高块茎的脯氨酸浓度。不考虑休眠的长短,发现每一个品种,除了Somogyi kifli,在每个时间点上代谢物组成有实质性的差异。Somogyi kifli是其中唯一一个纯马铃薯基因品种和A烹饪方式的品种。 关键字:GC-MS,代谢物,马铃薯,存储,块茎。 3 前言 The potato (Solanum tuberosum) is grown on approximately 20?million hectares world-wide, and the annual potato consumption of an average global citizen is approximately 33?kg (). there are hundreds of potato varieties planted around the world today that carry germplasm from different wild species. The nutritional status of crop plants is ultimately dependent on their metabolic composition. Potato is considered a rich on calories food with carbohydrates comprising about 75% of the total dry matter.? 4 前言 The G


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