C-E translation 2010 L9.ppt

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Lesson Nine Teaching purpose: To learn the literal translation or semantic translation Focuses and difficulties: 1. Literal translation and its justification 2. Proper literal translation 3. Situations for the application of literal translation 4. Word-for word translation or and extreme literalism. Part A. CT 他忽想到:一个堂堂县令,屈尊去拜一个乡民,惹得衙役们笑话. It occurred to him that his subordinates might laugh at the idea of a county magistrate calling on a mere peasant. 又想到:屈尊敬贤,将来志书上少不了称赞一篇. Yet he reflected, If I stoop to show respect to talent, future compilers of the local chronicles will certainly devote a chapter to my praise. 这是万古不朽的勾当,有什么做不得! Then my name will be remembered for thousands of years. Why shouldnt I do it? What Can We Learn 1. It is necessary to have a clear distinction between dynamic verbs and static verbs in C-E translation 2. It is important to have a correct addition of English subject in C-E translation Part B TWE 1.骨肉: not bone and flesh 亲骨肉: ones own flesh and blood not ones own bone and flesh 血肉模糊 a mud of blood and flesh 血肉之躯 a flesh and blood human being 血肉相连 as close as flesh and blood 有血有肉 flesh-and-blood characters summarize 2.枪毙 ①(literal meaning) execution by shooting ② (figurative meaning) kill the idea was killed Part C. Lecture on Translation Theory and Skills Chapter V Methods of Translation I. Literal translation 1. Literal Translation and Its Justification Literal translation, referred to as semantic translation by Newmark, is a method of translating which aims at preserving the most possible cultural message ( including the communicative aspect of culture, e.g.. the formal elements of the SL) of the source text at the sacrifice of the formal elements of the TL and sometimes even the intelligibility of the TL text. “马力” (from “horse-power”), “蜜月” (from “honey moon”), “视野” (from “field of vision/view”), “武装到牙齿” (from “armed to teeth”), “趁热打铁” (from “ Strike while the iron is hot.”), “活到老学到老” (from “Live


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